Red Back Spider Red Back Spiders are not insects
Description What does a Red Back Spider look like ? 8 eyes 8 legs jaws palps spinneret cephalothorax Female big Abdomen black Stripe on it Male small Abdomen no Red stripe
Diet Insects Skinks Male Trapdoor spiders King Cricket Small lizards
habitat A Red back Spiders home Dark dry places like : Toilet seats dark sheds wood stacks logs trees They live in these countries:India India Indonesia Philippines Calledonia Australia Always check for Red Back Spiders in these places!
Reproduction This is how the reproduction works . The male delivers the sperm parcel The female makes sacs and lays eggs The spiderlings hatch after 14 days Spiderlings leave there mothers by ballooning The young females markings change as they grow Females reach adult size in about 14 months and are ready to mate Life span of a Red Back Spider: Female 2/3 years Male 6/7 months
Special Qualities ! These are some amazing and interesting facts about Red Back Spiders : Red Back Spiders are most likely to bit in summer or spring Sometimes Red Back Spider eat animals bigger than themselves The female Red Back Spider can go for three months without any food The female Red Back Spider is the only Red Back Spider that can pierce a humans skin
Red Back Spiders are very poisonous Red Back Spiders are very poisonous . They shouldn’t be touched by bear human hands.