Whatever the Weather Lesson 14
Mud I like mud. I like it on my clothes. I like it on my fingers. I like it in my toes. Dirt’s pretty ordinary And dust’s a dud. For a really good mess-up
I am going to say three words. Cat car come I hear /c/ at the beginning of those words. Now listen as I say the words again.
Tell me the beginning sound in these pictures
What is the word for these three sounds? r i p Put the first two sounds together ri p Now all together rip
What is the word for these three sounds? C a n Put the first two sounds together ca n Now all together can
What is the word for these three sounds? p i n Put the first two sounds together pi n Now all together pin
Lets blend words together! pin This word is pin If I change the i to a. What word did we make? pan
Lets blend words together! pan This word is pan If I change the p to c. What word did we make? can
Lets blend words together! can This word is can If I change the n to p. What word did we make? cap
Lets blend words together! cap This word is cap If I change the c to r. What word did we make? rap
Lets blend words together! rap This word is rap If I change the i to a. What word did we make? rip
Lets blend words together! rip This word is rip If I change the r to n. What word did we make? nip
Lets blend words together! nip This word is nip If I change the i to a. What word did we make? nap
Lets blend words together! nap This word is nap If I change the n to t. What word did we make? tap
Say the words as they come on the screen do
Say the words as they come on the screen
“Bear Snores On” What do you see on the front cover of our book? Let’s look through the pictures of our book, what do you think our story will be about? What do you think these animals might do while bear is asleep? Read Story
Robust Vocabulary Slumbering Grade: K Lesson 14 Day 3, 4, and 5 Word: slumbering In Bear Snores On, a bear slumbers through a party. If you are slumbering, you are sleeping. The word is slumbering. What is the word? Day 3: People slumber, too. Where do you like to slumber in your home? Show me how you slumber. Day 4: Make snoring sounds if I describe something that happens when a person is slumbering. *You have a blanket over you. *You have a dream *You are in a dark room. *You run fast. Day 5 is on the nestling instruction card. What word means sleeping?
Robust Vocabulary Delight Grade: K Lesson 14 Day 3, 4, and 5 Word: delight In the story, Bear sighs with delight when the party keeps going on. If you feel delight, you are very happy or pleased with something. The word is delight. What is the word? Day 3: I feel delight when I get a birthday card in the mail. What would delight you more, a trip to the supermarket or a trip to the beach? Day 4: Smile if I describe something that makes a person feel delight. *You are eating ice cream. *You are scared. *You are playing your favorite game. *You get a big hug from a friend. Day 5: Show us how you would look if you were delighted. What would make you delighted. A person showing delight when opening a birthday present What word means the feeling you have when you are very happy or pleased with something?
Robust Vocabulary Blustery Grade: K Lesson 14 Day 3, 4, and 5 Word: blustery In the story, the weather outside the cave is very blustery. When the weather outside is blustery, it is very windy. The word is blustery. What is the word? Day 3: Blustery winds can feel like they are blowing you over. In a blustery wind, would the wind blow hard or softly? Act out a story in which you wake up from a night’s slumber, go outside in blustery weather, and then smile with delight when the sun comes out. Day 4: Wave your hands in the wind if I describe something that might happen on a blustery day. *Your hat blows off. *Flags do not wave. *You can fly a kite. *Leaves twirl in the air. Day 5 is on the arriving instruction card. What word means very windy
Questions We can ask questions to get to know each other. What would you like to know about a friend? What questions do you want to ask your friend?
Great job! Now it is Station Time!