Erasmus+ KA2 project: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro Prof.dr Ramo Šendelj Kick-off Meeting, 15-16th February, Montenegro Dear Rector, ladies and gentlemen, First of all, I would like to especially thank our EU partners from Germany, Hungary, Greece and Austria for their visit to Univeristy of Donja Gorica. I hope you will feel very well in Montenegro. Also I would like to thank our Montenegrin partners for coming here today. Finally, on behalf of my project team I’d like to thank Rector for support during the preparation of the project application and implementation project activities. I’d like to express hope that our cooperation on this project will be successful and have great positive impact for National health system and National education system. Let me shortly introduce myself. My name is Ramo Sendelj. I am professor at University of Donja Gorica, author of this Project and the person responsible for its implementation. I’ve got extensive experience in this area leading ten Tempus and Erasmus projects in the last 10 years. I sincerely hope, we will have a successful cooperation during the project with full understanding and respect for each other, respect between our institutions and all done in compliance with Erasmus rules and policies. Now, Let me shortly introduce you with main characteristics and goals of our Project, titled: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro. .
I use this slide, which I’ve taken from presentation for the Project coordinators, to show purpose of my presentation. In the next 10 minutes I will talk about this 10% which present our proposal with aims to motivate you to be ready for hard team work. We need to find appropriate answers for all these predictable and unpredictable challenges that will occur during the project implementation.
Project aims and objectives, partners and work packages Introduction Project idea Project aims and objectives, partners and work packages I’ve divided my presentation into two parts: Firstly, I am going to tell you how our idea started. Secondly, I am going to talk about the project aims and objectives, project partners and project work packages. Now, Let me inform you, How the project idea started.
Background Medicine is currently undergoing a major revolution that is gradually transforming the nature of healthcare from reactive to preventative. We did research of the most strategic documents. WHO (World Health Organization) recognized new health care approach and adopted a series of resolutions and action plans in order to improve access to health institutions for people in developing countries. While reading scientific papers, we noticed that Medicine is currently undergoing a major revolution that is gradually transforming the nature of healthcare from reactive to preventative. We showed interest for that and did research of the most important strategic documents in this area. We took a top-down approach and finally concluded the following important facts concerning this issue: On a global level, WHO recognized new healthcare approach and adopted a series of resolutions and action plans to improve access to health institutions for people in developing countries.
Background The EU adopted Health Strategy 'Together for Health' to tackle the health challenges, and which combines legislation, cooperation and financing. European tendency is to create sustainable health systems which will lead to smarter spending — not more spending — that brings savings or secures better health outcomes. On the European level, EU adopted the strategy named 'Together for Health' to tackle the health challenges, which combines legislation, cooperation and financing. So, European tendency is to create sustainable health systems which will lead to smarter spending — not more spending — that brings savings or secures better health outcomes.
Background Montenegro should be interested in adopting new principles which provide much better and more cost-effective health care system. ME Government and Ministry of Health adopted set of strategic documents. The Montenegrin strategy is in line with healthcare strategy of the EU. On a national level, Being a small country, Montenegro should be interested in adopting new principles which provide much better and more cost-effective health care system. Montenegrin Government adopted a set of strategic documents in line with healthcare strategy of the EU. In these documents the Government provided priority aims and activities
Background ME Government identified set of priority aims addressed by the Project: (i) develop national programme of preventive health measures in all health institutions, (ii) develop post-graduate studies in public health, (iii) develop cost-effective measures to invest in sustainable health system, (iv) improve mechanisms for the sound implementation of the law on patients’ rights, (v) continue with further improvements of integral information system. On the next slide we highlighted priority aims addressed by our Project. And these are: (i) develop national programme of preventive health measures in all health institutions, (ii) develop post-graduate studies in public health, (iii) develop cost-effective measures to invest in sustainable health system, (iv) improve mechanisms for the sound implementation of the law on patients’ rights, (v) continue with further improvements of integral information system. As you can see, the aims of our Project are fully in line with Governmental priority aims.
PROJECT GOAL The main goal of this project is to: Enhance educational system in ME in accordance with well known EU best practices, providing education to public health professionals making them highly skilled in order to support sustainable and flexible health system, and to protect its citizens against health threats, all by cost-effective and straightforward approach. Actually, The main goal of this project is to: ENHANCE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN ME IN ACCORDANCE WITH WELL KNOWN EU BEST PRACTICES, PROVIDING EDUCATION TO PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MAKING THEM HIGHLY SKILLED IN ORDER TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE AND FLEXIBLE HEALTH SYSTEM, AND TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS AGAINST HEALTH THREATS, ALL BY COST-EFFECTIVE AND STRAIGHTFORWARD APPROACH.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES: Enhancement and modernization of curricula and programs Creation of new learning and teaching approaches Development of competencies and skills of staff members Strengthening internationalisation of ME HEIs Raising awareness about health prevention and public health promotion In addition, We developed short term objectives of our project. These are: Enhancement and modernization of curricula and programs in public health at different levels in educational system in ME Creation of new learning and teaching approaches in public health in ME through developing National Platform for Education and Research in Public Health Development of competencies and skills of staff members from HEIs in MNE Strengthening internationalisation of ME HEIs Raising awareness about health prevention and public health promotion at national level in ME.
Heidelberg University University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technoloies, Innsbruck University of Debrecen Now, let me to introduce you to the project partner. I am proud to say that Erasmus Agency trusted us, University of Donja Gorica, to be the leader institution of this project. I am also honoured that Heidelberg University from Germany, University of Debrecin from Hungary, University of Athens from Greece and University for Health Science, Medical Informatics an Technologies from Austria accepted our offer to take part in this project and trusted us with leadership position on this project. University of Donja Gorica University of Athens
Institute of Public Health Montenegro University of Donja Gorica Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro University of Montenegro We are also delighted to have Montenegrin HEIs, Research institutions and Ministries on board with us. As partners on this project we have three Montenegrin Higher Education Institutions: University of Donja Gorica University of Montenegro, Mediterranean University, Also, we have two Research institutions: Institute of Public Health Montenegro Institute of Modern Technologies Montenegro Lastly, we have two ministries as partner institutions on this project: Ministry of Education Montenegro Ministry of Health Montenegro Mediterannean University
Implementation Project activities Economics and Management Development of educational programs & curricula Implementation of new and innovative educational processes which are supported by new teaching methodologies Raising awareness about healthy life styles and public health promotion We’ve planned to implement project activities in 3 dimensions: (I) Development of educational programs & curricula; (II) Implementation of new and innovative educational processes which are supported by new teaching methodologies; (III) Raising awareness about healthy life styles and public health promotion. The strength of this project is that we took four different, but complementary perspectives at viewing this issue. That is, we examined the public health in relation to the Economics and Management, Law, Medical Informatics & Medicine. And in our opinion, this is the biggest value of this project which is recognised by both EU and MNE partners. Economics and Management Medical Informatics Law Medicine
PROJECT ACTIVITIES PREPARATORY WP WP1. Analysis And Roadmaping: Public Health Education In Me DEVELOPMENT WPs WP2. Human Capacity Building In Public Health Education In Me WP3. Development Of Study Programs In Public Health In Me WP4. Piloting And Evaluation MANAGEMENT WPs WP5. Quality Control And Monitoring WP6. Dissemination And Exploitation WP7. Management All project activities are grouped into seven project work packages. The objective of the PREPARATORY WP is To Create a good research ground for Analysis of EU practice and standards and characteristics of Montenegrin public health system in order to provide appropriate Roadmap for Public Health Education in ME DEVELOPING WPs are oriented to: Building human capacity in Public Health Education in ME Developing new study program in Public health at all academic levels Piloting and Evaluating these activities MANAGING WPs include Quality control and monitoring Dissemination and Exploitation And last one Management segments.
BUDGET Budget Headings Total Staff Costs 299.014,00 Travel Costs 80.090,00 Costs of Stay 196.320,00 Equipment Costs 106.210,00 Subcontracting Costs 68.200,00 TOTAL 749.834,00 We received finance support from Erasmus+ Program for implementation of Project activities. Total Budget is almost 750.000 euro, and we are obliged to spend this money for Staff costs, Travel cost, Cost of Stay, Equipment and Subcontracting.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Dear partners, In the next two days during our Kick off Project meeting, we are going to have presentations and discussions in order to introduce all project partners to Erasmus + rules and policies. We are going to inform in detail all project members with upcoming project activities and establish Project Decision Making Bodies. I hope we will have successful cooperation and we will achieve all project goals. I wish all of us good luck and success in our future work. Thank you for your attention.