Sapnas went too fast yesterday with stuff I’ve never heard of Sapnas went too fast yesterday with stuff I’ve never heard of. I think she should back up a bit then let us work on our animal stuffs You need: 1. journal 2. pencil Optional: (grab from locker, if you have) 3. glue 4. coloring instruments: colored pencils, markers, etc. 5. scissors 6. cell phone! e
Carl Linnaeus 1707 - 1778 Systema Naturae Taxonomy: the science of identifying, naming and classifying organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, etc.). Binomial Nomenclature
Domain Eukarya: Kingdom Animalia
9 Phylums = 9 Phyla
KINGDOM ANIMALIA - What You Need to Know: MOST diverse Kingdom To classify animals, scientists observe how animals are related to other animals. Relationships are determined by comparing: Body structure Embryonic development DNA Classified into two MAIN groups: Invertebrate: animals without a backbone Vertebrate: animals with a backbone
Title: Taxonomy/Classification Choose any member of Kingdom Animalia Research…Wikipedia is just fine for this Glue strip into your notebook (or write) Write Latin name down next to each level Proper Binomial nomenclature
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Megaceryle alcyon Eukarya Animalia Chordata Aves Coraciiformes Alecedinidae Megaceryle M. alcyon Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Megaceryle alcyon
Chordata: Focus on 5 familiar Classes of Vertebrates GIMME 5! FARM B Chordata: Focus on 5 familiar Classes of Vertebrates Mammals: Mammalia = THUMB (duh) Amphibians: Amphibia = POINTER (1st on land A1, A #1) Birds: Aves = MIDDLE, ahem…the bird Reptiles: Reptilia = RING Fish: Pisces = PINKY (reduced detail, Actinopterygii)
Good for design idea for those who can actually draw, different order than we are using!