September 11 Library—SRI testing After attendance we will go to the library. Must have your student ID. When you test is complete, please read.
September 12 Same seats as yesterday Get notebook paper and pen/pencil Conversation level: Level 0 (no noise) Cleared desks Pre-Assessment…Essay Firedrill practice.
Write a multi-paragraph essay Notebook paper and pen/pencil Choose only one to answer This is not graded; however, like the SRI, it is very important. Do your best. 1. Where would you rather live: a library, a museum, or a zoo? 2. Where would you rather live after a zombie apocalypse: a library, a museum, or a zoo?
September 13 New Seats Read this completely. Do not enter the room until you understand the instructions. You may talk about the instructions before you enter the room. When you understand the instructions, give the instructions back to Mrs. B, enter the room, and begin. 1. Complete this challenge in complete silence: Remain silent for the entire activity. Do not talk or whisper after you enter the room. 2. In the room, line up in order by height. 3. Then take your seats with the shortest person in Seat 1. 4. Do not skip seats. 5. When the class is seated, the student in Seat 12 raises his or her hand and reports that the class is ready.
Entry Task In your journals 1. Tell me about your summer. You can choose to tell it in narrative or essay form. A. narratives/stories: plot—exposition (set it up), rising action (events), turning point/high point (climax), falling action (resolution) B. essays: informational essay—clear introduction, body (1-3) , and conclusion paragraphs 2. Tell what you would have liked to have happen this summer in either a narrative or an essay. A. narratives/stories: see above B. essays: see above
Rubric for yesterday’s essays Grade your self and see how it turns out.
September 14 Same seats as yesterday ENTRY TASK (5-10 minutes) Finish your entry task from yesterday or read it and revise In your journals 1. Tell me about your summer. You can choose to tell it in narrative or essay form. A. narratives/stories: plot—exposition (set it up), rising action (events), turning point/high point (climax), falling action (resolution) B. essays: informational essay—clear introduction, body (1-3) , and conclusion paragraphs 2. Tell what you would have liked to have happen this summer in either a narrative or an essay. A. narratives/stories: see above B. essays: see above
Today….. Syllabus Kahoot Language Pre-Assessment Tomorrow….SSR-Bring your book. Next week it begins……
September 15— SSR Make sure your journals are complete and your agenda is filled out