The Land I Lost Adventures of a Boy inVietnam hamlet cultivate passion mythology karate
hamlet “use context clues” There were fifty houses in our hamlet, scattered along the river or propped against the mountainsides. I live in a small house in a tiny village. There are other small houses just like mine in the hamlet. hamlet – a group of houses that make up a small village (p.180)
cultivate “use context clues” During the six month rainy season, nearly all of us helped plant and cultivate fields of rice. Farmers throughout our country must cultivate their fields to provide a healthy crop. cultivate: to take care of something so it will grow (page 181)
passion “use context clues” One of her great passions was theater, and this passion never diminished with age. All of her life, my mother has had a passion for gardening. She loves to spend every spare moment planting flowers. passion - a strong feeling about something (page 184)
mythology “use context clues” She knew Chinese mythology by heart, and the opera was often a dramatization of this mythology. Our class has been reading the mythology of the Greek god Zeus. mythology - a group of stories made up long ago to explain natural events or religious beliefs and customs (page 184)
karate “use context clues” The owner of the restaurant was too afraid to confront Michael, who is one of the best karate fighters in the area. I wanted to learn self-defense, so my friend suggested I take a karate class. karate - an Asian art of self defense (page 187)
The Land I Lost Story Vocabulary Quiz a group of houses that make up a small village__________ to take care of something so it will grow_______________ a strong feeling about something______________ a group of stories made up long ago to explain natural events or religious beliefs and customs. ________________ an Asian art of self defense ________________________ karate hamlet passion mythology cultivate
The Land I Lost Story Vocabulary hamlet – a group of houses that make up a small village cultivate- to take care of something so it will grow passion - a strong feeling about something mythology - a group of stories made up long ago to explain natural events or religious beliefs and customs karate - an Asian art of self defense
antonyms deep shallow enter exit lead follow These words contain antonym pairs. deep shallow enter exit lead follow Who remembers what antonyms are? Name some more antonym pairs.
feared season weak sneaky These are words with the /e/ sound spelled ea. feared season weak sneaky Can you think of other words that have this spelling of the /e/ sound?
whined wherever when whale These words show the /hw/ sound spelled “wh”. whined wherever when whale Who can demonstrate the difference between the sound of a word beginning with w and one beginning with wh?
downtown mountains surrounded houses hours These words contain the /ow/ sound spelled ou and ow. downtown mountains surrounded houses hours
digraph - wh My little brother whined and followed me wherever I went. Identify and say the words containing the digraph wh. My little brother whined and followed me wherever I went. Identify the words that contain the /e/ sound spelled ea.
The sound /e/ using ea I feared this season’s whole crop would be ruined by the heat. Identify the words that contain the /e/ sound spelled ea.
/ow/ spelled ow and ou In downtown Seattle, we found ourselves surrounded by office buildings and many people. Identify the words that contain the /ow/ sound spelled ow and ou.