Planning Land Development Regulations Board (PLDRB)
Your Role as a PLDRB Board Member Seven Member Board appointed by City Council Meetings every 3rd Wednesday of Month Special PLDRB meetings and Workshops PLDRB members are appointed by City Council to provide recommendations on diverse matters. Quasi-judicial boards, such as the PLDRB, perform functions in a manner similar to courts. Note: PLDRB members are also members of the Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF). Advisory Group for the City’s CDBG Program that meet at least two times per year.
Your Role as a PLDRB Board Member Designated as the local planning agency as required by F.S. §§ 163.3161 and 163.3174. The Planning and Land Development Regulation Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, the elements of the Comprehensive Plan as required in F.S. § 163.3177, and any other appropriate elements, and shall make recommendations regarding the Comprehensive Plan to the City Council.
Your Role as a PLDRB Board Member The PLDRB is hereby also designated as the land development regulation board in accordance with the provisions of F.S. §§ 163.3161 and 163.3194. The PLDRB shall develop and recommend to the City Council land development regulations that implement the Comprehensive Plan and amendments thereto for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Amendments to the Land Development Code that relate purely to technical matters shall be considered on the basis of the technical matters submitted only.
Your PLDRB Staff Liaison Ray Tyner – Planning Manager Irene Schaefer – Planning Clerk City Staff Will: Record PLDRB attendance Take and distribute minutes Inform City Council members of PLDRB recommendations Create the Agenda and agenda package Supply background information on agenda items to PLDRB members sufficiently in advance of meetings Provide technical analysis and provide recommendations for agenda item applications. Provide other technical and administrative assistance.
Your Role as a PLDRB Board Member MODERATE Tier 2: Nonresidential projects over 40,000 square feet of building up to 100,000 square feet of building and/or residential projects over 41 residential units not to exceed 100 units [ Final action by PLDRB] Special Exceptions Variances Master Site Plans for Tier 2 Developments Technical Site Plans for Tier 2 developments without a master plan Nonresidential Controlling Master Site Plans for Tier 2 developments Subdivision Master Plans for residential greater than 100 units
Your Role as a PLDRB Board Member MAJOR Tier 3: Nonresidential projects over 100,000 square feet of building and/or residential projects over 100 residential units [Provide Recommendation to City Council] Zoning Map Amendments/Master Planned Developments Master/Technical Site Plans for Tier 3 developments Nonresidential Controlling Master Site Plans for Tier 3 developments Developments of Regional Impact (threshold - 750 residential dwelling units)
Comprehensive Plan Florida Statutes requires each municipality to submit and have an approved Comprehensive Plan Process involved numerous public workshops and meetings to develop a vision for the City’s future growth “the comprehensive plan provides the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development … of a community “ Goals, objectives, and policies that describe how the local government’s programs, activities, and land development regulations will be implemented to achieve the community’s vision
Future Land Use Map Cobblestone Village
Unified Land Development Code The City has developed the Unified Land Development Code (LDC) to implement its Comprehensive Plan and to streamline the development review process. The LDC sets forth regulations, requirements, and procedures governing the use and development of land for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City and to enhance the appearance, function, and livability of the City, to the end of improving the overall quality of life within the community.
Zoning Map Cobblestone Village
Zoning Map Future land Use Map
Current Planning Residential and Commercial Development Subdivision Plats Site Plans and Master Plans Rezonings, Special Exceptions and Variances TRX TEAM - Multidisciplinary Team Building Elevations Master Plan Subdivision Plat Site Plan
Current Planning Process Development Order (Site Plans, Master Plans, etc.) Site Plans First Submittal < 15 days Other Submittals < 10 days LUA, PLDRB or City Council Action Site Development Permits (Infrastructure) - Inspections Building Permits Minor = Same Day Single Family < 5 days Commercial < 10 days Inspections
TRX TEAM Ida Meehan, AICP Senior Planner/Project Manager Jose Papa, AICP Senior Planner/AICP - Project Manager Bill Hoover, AICP Senior Planner/AICP - Project Manager Damaris Ramirez Planner - Project Manager Ray Tyner Planning Manager Chris Johnson Engineering Technician Denise Bevan Environmental Planner Jerry Hindman Senior Building Inspector Bill Butler Landscape Architect Sean Castello, P.E. Traffic Engineer Mike Peel, P.E. Engineer
Master Plan Cobblestone Village 7.5+/- Ac
Subdivision Plat 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Master Plan, Plat and Site Plan work together
Elevation Plan
Finished Development Project
End Result
2015 Excellence in Planning & Growth Management Award 2015 Outstanding Innovation and Design Award Awarded by the North East FL. Regional Council for the Island Walk Shopping Center Redevelopment Project Awarded by the Surfcoast Chapter of the FL. Planning and Zoning Association for the Island Walk Shopping Center Redevelopment Project