Preparing Social Media Interventions for Replication Dallas Swendeman & Janet Myers
Overview: Start of an ongoing conversation and collaboration Why? It’s complicated and better to start now than at the end of the project Some social media intervention components seem easy to replicate and disseminate Apps – make available on app stores Automated text-messages – make message libraries available, maybe with a delivery platform/portal (if funds provided) Many components will require the traditional approach – manuals and written protocols, documentation, etc. “Live” or person-mediated text-/instant-messaging Social media “chat room” intervention components Social media campaigns (with quickly evolving and locally customized content) In-person interactions that might enhance or be enhanced by social media NOTE: Such protocols are critical components NOW to support effective implementation
HRSA Expectations in RFA Page 2, “Additionally, successful applicants will be expected to document the social media project’s implementation, including any manuals, tools, policies and protocols developed to administer the project for potential replication by others” Page 5, “Evaluation staff, with input from other staff, will be required to develop a manual to support replication of successful social media based interventions by other organizations within their State and by other Ryan White grantees.”
Manual Components Introduction Goals and Objectives Intervention Design and Description Lessons from the Field Appendices
Introduction Rationale and Description of Need Description of Target Audience Summary of the Intervention
Goals and Objectives For example: The S.M.A.R.T. system is one approach for drafting effective goals and objectives: S- Specific M- Measurable A- Achievable R-Relevant T- Time-Bound
Intervention Design and Description Intervention Approach/ Theoretical Framework Core Elements Target Population Pre-Intervention Implementation Activities Intervention Components Description of Cultural Adaptation and Use of the Transnational Framework Adaptability
Staffing & Training Staffing Levels and Types of Partners Roles and Responsibilities Key Staff Attributes Training
Lessons from the Field Successes Challenges/Barriers Tips for Future Implementation
Appendices Supporting Documentation Examples (include but not limited to): Intervention Protocol Communication Protocol Training Materials Job Descriptions Forms Referral Forms Encounter Forms for data collection Patient enrollment forms Videoconferencing communiqué Progress notes
Core Elements in Apps?
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