Introduction to Oblique Technical Drawing Stuarts Draft High School
Oblique Drawing You plot oblique drawings in the same way as isometric drawings, that is, on three axes. However, in oblique, two axes are parallel to the picture plane rather than just one, as in isometric. These two axes always make right angles with each other.
Oblique Drawing (continued) Think of oblique drawings as a mixture of an orthographic front view with a 45 degree isometric depth drawn up and to the right side.
Rules of Oblique Oblique also has some special rules. The first is: Place the object so that the irregular outline or contour faces the front
Rules of Oblique The second rule is: Place the object so that the longest dimension is parallel to the picture plane.
Types of Oblique Drawing To the right is an orthographic drawing of a shelf. (Front & Right side view)
Cavalier Oblique To represent this shelf with a cavalier oblique drawing, draw the receding dimension (D) back from the front view at a 45 degree angle.
Cabinet Oblique Another type of oblique drawing is called “Cabinet”. This method was developed to reduce the distortion a cavalier drawing can seem to have. To represent this shelf with a cabinet oblique drawing, draw the receding dimension (D) back from the front view at ½ its given distance. Notice the increased detail shown with this type of drawing.
Normal Oblique A third type of oblique drawing is called “Normal”. To represent this shelf with a normal oblique drawing, draw the receding dimension (D) back from the front view at ¾ its given distance. Take a moment to compare these 3 types of drawings with each other.