WELCOME Employers and Industry Reps Trade Unions DHET representatives HET/TVET institutions Private Providers Governing board members Critical interest groups NGO’s,CBO’s Chambers Chieta management and staff
PERSON RESPONSIBLE TIME ALL 11:30 13:15 ITEM PERSON RESPONSIBLE TIME Tea and Registration Administrators 8:30 2. Welcome and Safety Moment Regional Manager/Facilities Manager 9:30 3. Purpose of the Forum Regional Manager 9:40 4. National and Sectoral Update CEO 9:45 5. Research and Skills Planning Unit 5.1 Research Update 5.2 Qualifications Development Update 5.3 Stakeholder Relations Update 5.4 SSP Update Executive Manager: Research and Skills Planning 10:15 6. Grants Update 6.1 MG Feedback 6.2 DG17/18 C1 Feedback 6.3 Out of Scope evidence 6.4 New Learner Schedule Update 6.5 Review of Change Request and Sweeps Processes Manager: Grants 11:00 TEA ALL 11:30 7. DG MIS Update 7.1 Changes and Integration of DG MIS with ETQA MIS 7.2 System Walk through Executive Manager: Grants and Strategic Projects IT Service Provider 12:00 8. Regional Office Update 8.1 DG timeframes 8.2 Regional Office highlights and challenges 8.3 Strategic Project Updates 8.4 CHIETA Conflict of Interest Policy Regional Managers and RSAs 12:45 LUNCH AND NETWORKING 13:15 9. ETQA update ETQA Update DHET Presentation on Provider Registration Manager: ETQA DHET Representative 14:00 10. Closure 15:00
Regional Office Updates New Regional Skills Advisor – Lefa Mashakoe New DG Application Process/Platform Funds Sweeping Process Strategic Projects Funded Programme Management Structured Stakeholder Engagement/ Meetings
CHALLENGES Out of scope evidence submission. Late submissions - Not adhering to timeframes Non-CHIETA Projects (Enrolments and Certification). Workplace approvals must be in place before commencing with project. Learner contracts must be duly completed Clear certified ID documents (not older than 3 months) and highest qualifications. Change requests within 3 months of signing MOAs TVET colleges applying for WIL with no contracted host employer Poor management of contracts by TVET colleges
Budget Approved by Accounting Authority Strategic Projects Projects: Budget Approved by Accounting Authority Public Sector Capacity R 2 307 500.00 Small Business Support (PIVOTAL) R 1 863 225.00 Career and Vocational Guidance R 2 756 250.00 Maths & Science, Career Guidance Projects R 4 000 000.00 Rural & Cooperatives Development R 3 000 000.00 AET Learning Programmes and Learners with Disabilities R 3 882 500.00 Skills Programmes and Research Projects R 1 500 000.00 Institutional & Industry Partnership R 6 200 000.00 Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPs) R 2 000 000.00 Programme 2 Research and Skills Planning (PIVOTAL) R 4 500 000.00 Programme 2 Research and Skills Planning (NON-PIVOTAL) R 10 500 000.00 TVET & WIL R 8 000 000.00 Total R 50 509 475.00 Advert published in June 2017 for C1 and MOAs were due by the 30th September 2017 Advert published in September 2017 for C2 and applications were due by the 30th September 2017
TRADE UNION LEARNING PRACTITIONER (TULP) Special projects TRADE UNION LEARNING PRACTITIONER (TULP) VOUCHER PROJECT BURSARY SCHEME To support companies towards smoother Workplace Skills Planning processes Allocation of R1.5m Across 5 different unions within the chemicals sector Ditsela Workers Education to enrol 40 students on Trade Union Practices Qualification (TUQP) University of Johannesburg to enrol 20 students on TULP. To assist SMMEs within the chemicals sector with funding for training of employees Allocation of R5.5m Only offers Skills programmes on both technical and soft skills Currently signing off MOAs with training providers Advert for employers will e published in the Sunday Times and on CHIETA website To offer financial study assistance to young South African students. Qualifications addressing scares skills Managed by CHIETA and NSFAS Capped at R45 000.00 for Under-graduates and R60 000.00 for Post-graduates Can cover tuition, books and other expenses.