Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies Pedagogical Grammar Outside-class project AVERAGE TO ABOVE AVERAGE
The sign says,' I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face.’ Unlike is a preposition here, not a verb. The sentence does not make sense. Because of the co-ordinator ‘but’ and the contextual meaning, it can be deduced that the writer wants to say ‘(I) do not like…’ instead of ‘unlike’. Moreover, ‘my face’ may be confusing. Probably the wording is intended to be:
A more appropriate wording would be ‘Keep off the grass’. I like your smile but I do not like you stepping on my face. The ideational meaning of above wording is construed by the nouns ( I, your smile, you and my face), material verb (step) and mental verb (like). A mental verb is used as the grass seems to be treated as people, for humorous effect. That the grass is personified is more suitable for young readers than for a public sign. Two clauses are joined with co-ordinator ‘but’ which indicates different preferences. The interpersonal meaning is construed by the Mood. It is declarative mood with Subject preceding Finite. It gives information. However, this might be incorrect. Imperative mood with no Subject is normally used for signs. Moreover, meaning for a sign should be clear and straight forward. P C A more appropriate wording would be ‘Keep off the grass’. S F/P O S F P O(C) NP VP NP NP VP NP (non-finite –ing clause)
Unauthorized parking will be impounded or towed away without prior notice to the owner and subject to the following charges: Impounding Fee $320 Removal Charges $350 Storage Charges $320 (per day) The ideational meaning is construed by nouns (parking, notice, owner and charges) and material verbs (impounded and towed). The ideas within the clauses are joined by a co-ordinator, and, which makes an additive inter-clausal relationship. The verbs impounded and towed are joined by a co-ordinator, or, which shows alternative.
Unauthorized parking will be impounded or towed away without prior notice to the owner and subject to the following charges: The verbs impounded and towed are material verbs construe ‘doing’ processes. The above wording means the Subject, unauthorized parking, will be impounded or towed. This does not make sense. It is the vehicles parked without permission which will be impounded or towed. Similarly, the clause, unauthorized parking will be subject to the charges, is incorrect in meaning. It is the owner of the unauthorized vehicles who will be fined. The interpersonal meaning is construed by the Mood. It is declarative mood where Subject precedes Finite. It gives information to the drivers. A more appropriate wording could be: Illegal parking is prohibited. Unauthorized vehicles will be impounded or towed, without notice, at owners’ expense.