Programming Languages Review CSE 3302 Spring 2017
Announcements Student Feedback Survey website: Blackboard: For support contact IOTA Solutions at Time needed: approximately 5 minutes per survey Survey Period ends on May 05, 2017 11:59:00PM CT and cannot be re-opened.
Final Schedule (Time Change) The Final is scheduled to be held in SH 125 (same room) on Wednesday, May 10th (same day of week) and begin at 2pm (slightly earlier) and will end at 4:30pm
Final Breakdown Topics: Vocabulary Procedural Object-Oriented Concurrency Functional <Labs> Questions: Type Estimated # Multiple choice 20 True/False Vocab 10 Short answer 9
Final Notes The final will not be “open book” or “open notes” but you will be allowed to bring into the final a single 5 x 7 note card and can have notes on both sides.
Final Review What topics do you think was covered during class?
Starting Outline Procedural Object Oriented Concurrent Functional Labs
Procedural Procedural Control Memory Data Types Abstract Data Types Modules
Object Oriented Definition Methods Inheritance Visibility Casting
Concurrency Safety Liveness Benefits Applications
Functional Benefits Function types Looping Visibility Composition Map
Labs Discuss