Verbs Properties of Verbs: 1.Voice a. Active : The woman helped the man b. Passive: The man was helped by the woman 2. Tense a. The Present Tense- the time of action is in the present with reference to speaking. He writes the letter.
The present tense is used to express: (1) Habitual Action- He teaches Math. (2) Historical Present- things in past explained in preset: The soldier kills the enemy and takes his money. (3) Future: The boat sails tomorrow. b. The Past Tense- the time of action is in the past. He wrote the letter.
c. The future Tense- the time of action is in the future c. The future Tense- the time of action is in the future. He will write the letter. d. Present Perfect Tense- the action is completed before speaking: He has written it. e. Past Perfect Tense- the action was completed at a point in the past: He had written the letter when I saw him.
f. Future Perfect Tense- the action will be completed at a point in the future: He will have written the letter by Thursday. Regular Verbs take –ed like played, asked … Irregular verbs are like begin, began, begun See page 12-13 and section II on pp. 284-286
Conjugation of verb to be Singular Tense Plural I am present we are I was past we were I shall/will be future we shall/will be I have been present perfect we have been I had been past perfect we had been I shall have been future perfect we shall have been Progressive Verb form: I am working Emphatic Verb form: do used for emphasis: I do work.
Classification of verbs 1. Transitive- takes object: I hit him. 2. Intransitive- no object: The man ran. 3. Linking- no action and it only links the subject to a substantive (noun) He is a hero. Or it links the subject to an adjective: He is young. Homework- Do exercises 3.