Chapter 7 - Cena
intellegere, intellexi lacrimare, lacrimavi mortuus narrare, narravit Vocab cenare, cenavi centurio conspicere, conspexi cum facere, feci heri ingens intellegere, intellexi lacrimare, lacrimavi mortuus narrare, narravit necare, necavi nihil
omnis parare, paravi pestis poculum procedere, processi prope pulcher Vocab omnis parare, paravi pestis poculum procedere, processi prope pulcher rogare, rogavi tacite tamen terrere, terrui umbra valde
Fabula Mirabilis Translate the story on page 106 Make a list of all the verbs in the story Tell whether they are present, imperfect or perfect
Perfect Tense completed action (same as past tense in English) translated as “did ____” or as past tense uses 3rd part of the verb – provided with the vocab list Some basic rules, most are dependent upon the 3rd part provided
Perfect Tense 1st conjugation – take “re” off the infinitive, replace with “v” works with entire conjugation 2nd conjugation- no set rule, look at vocab 3rd conjugation- no set rule, look at vocab 4th conjugation – take “re” off the infinitive, replace with”v” works with most of conjugation
Perfect Tense Endings i – I isti – you it – he/she/it imus – we istis – you plural erunt – they
Post Cenam With a partner, translate the story on page 110. Then illustrate the story as a 4 panel comic. - each panel should have 3 vocab words (from ch 7 vocab) pictured in it and labeled.
Animalia cuniculus tigris piscis canis feles
Animalia equus simia leo serpens
Animalia lupus insectum avis delphinus elephas
Pick 2 verbs, conjugate in all 3 tenses ambulare, ambulavi - walk mittere, misi - send habere, habui - petere, petivi - seek
Practice Verbs - Pick 5 cenare, cenavi - eat dinner terrere, terrui - be terrified lacrimare, lacrimavi - cry festinare, festinavi - hurry scribere, scripsi - write delere, delevi - destroy legere, legi - read plaudere, plausit - applaud quaerere, quaesivi - search for respondere, responsi - respond ridere, risi - laugh
Translate the phrase… You pl. walked (ambulavi) They yelled (clamavi) I told (narravi) He laughed (risi) We sat (sedui) You slept (dormivi) You pl. cried (lacrimavi) I hurried (contendui) They wrote (scripsi)
Translate the phrase… Habuisti Misit Delevistis Intelleximus Conspexi Processerunt Terruistis Necavit Cenavisti
Study Guide Ch 7 quiz - 60 points 10 vocab questions (p120) 12 verb usages in perfect tense 1 verb to conjugate in present, imperfect and perfect tenses 10 point translation
Verb forms Section 2 verbs: Narravi intellexi Paravi rogavi Lacrimavi processi Necavi feci Cenavi lacrimavi Terrui feci Extra Credit: Solve the following 1 W on a U 5 D in a Z C