Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Beauty and Fashion Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
Beauty and Fashion Marketing uses beauty to sell every type of product. Marketers know that we are drawn to beauty. how marketing uses beauty to sell every type of product. Marketers know that we are drawn to beauty. Beauty is so engraved in our hearts that it has inspired the greatest people: in the arts. But when we are asked what is beauty, we really don’t know how to answer.
Beauty and Fashion Sensible Beauty: Spiritual Beauty: A lot has been written about beauty but today we are going to talk about two types: sensible beauty (that we capture with our senses) and spiritual beauty which creates admiration and makes us want to follow something, an ideal (like a hero).
Beauty isn’t only a reaction to stimulus but beauty is contemplation Beauty and Fashion Beauty isn’t only a reaction to stimulus but beauty is contemplation Beauty at the same time is in the eye of the beholder (mother – to baby, two people that love each other). So beauty isn’t simple a reaction to the stimulus (like we perceive colour/shape) but beauty is contemplation. Beauty is much more than the physical aspects of a person, it is a look in the eyes, a gesture, an action, etc.. At the same time the physical: the body is a bridge to the interior beauty.
Beauty and Fashion Beauty Attracts us Not only is appearance important but beauty in our appearance. Beauty draws people, it invites them to know the person and have confidence in them. When we see something or someone, our mind quickly takes in all the signs so that we may arrive at some understanding. When we take in that beautiful object or person, we want to participate in the beauty in some way. That’s why most of us want to be near beautiful people. Begin close to them, we sense a type of participation, we can be part of the beauty. The beauty draws us.
Beauty and Fashion Beauty is not just to consume but it goes MUCH DEEPER But beauty is not something we consume like food. But it goes deeper. (face of an old lady that is beautiful). There is an intellectual part of beauty, it is not only sensible (with the senses) but knowledgeable.
Beauty and Fashion Audrey Hepburn Princess Diana Women in particular are associated with beauty. She personifies virtue, wisdom and graces. Beauty has been used to direct attention to humanitarian issues like Audrey Hepburn (UNICEF), Princess Diana with the landmines. Audrey Hepburn Princess Diana
Beauty and Fashion The beauty of a woman can be extremely powerful: The beauty of a woman’s image can be extremely powerful not only to communicate but in determining how a particular person reacts to her. Beauty is everything of the person: not only their exterior outfit, but the way to move (sit, stand, act), their way of talking (communicate). It goes beyond appearance.
Beauty and Fashion Package yourself as a Subject Beauty to contemplate An object Beauty to consume It depends on how she wants to package herself as a subject (a person) or as a object (to consume).
Beauty and Fashion Beauty transcends: goes beyond simple appearances. It’s much deeper. Transmit Beauty: Music :: Art ::Fashion Personal beauty relays certain uniqueness and an unrepeatable character, like a fingerpring. After all, we can imitate style, but it’s not really ours unless we permeate it with our own personality. In fact , people who do that successfully are the ones who generally set trends and determine styles. The styles communicate something about the person that others wish to communicate as well.
Beauty and Fashion Fashion: beauty to consume or to contemplate. Fashion should be a conscious decision: who am i? Who do I want to be? How to I want to be understood? These questions are often determined simply by the image we create through our bodies and the way that we present them to the world.