Organic Chemistry and Medicines Function of organic molecules in the design and synthesis of medicines including the production of aspirin from salicylic acid.
Reaction pathway for ethyl propanoate Reaction pathway for ethyl propanoate. The different boiling points of different organic molecules can be used to separate and isolate via fractional distillation
Considerations in devising a synthesis Planning is involved, target molecule studied and functional groups recognised. May use a number of intermediate compounds before desired molecule achieved. By products often produced, in the previous slide consider possible products of reacting chlorine and propane. Yield is also an important consideration. Considerations in devising a synthesis
400BC Hippocrates recommended an infusion of bark and leaves to relieve aches, pain, inflammation and fever. Salicin isolated in 1829 ASPIRIN
The salicin was found to convert to salicylic acid in the body. Salicylic acid was isolated ad synthesised as it was much more effective. Side effects: burning of mouth throat and stomach. Alternative found: acetylsalicylic acid where an ester group replaces the hydroxy group on salicylic acid. This is a slow reaction with a low yield as the water fomed tends to drive the reaction bakcward. Ethanoic acid replaced by ethanoic anhydride, much faster.
polyAsprin has a number of potential advantages and uses: Controlled release painkiller. Slow break down Made into thread and used to stitch cuts. Pain and inflammation relief as it breaks down. Potential to be used as a coating for an injured bone or joint. Promote bone growth, help healing and pain.
Its usually an accident PENICILLIN
Most potent is G, F and G was present in samples By adding side chains to the medium V was formed which is more stable in the presence of stomach acid