Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation Mateete Bekunda Farming Systems Agronomist East and Southern Africa Project Seminar Presentation Selian Agricultural Research Institute, Arusha 03 May 2013
Program purpose Provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families, particularly for women and children, through sustainably intensified farming systems that sufficiently improve food, nutrition, and income security and conserve or enhance the natural resource base Identify demand-driven sustainable intensification options that are socially acceptable, economically feasible, and environmentally sound Combine and adapt these options to address constraints and exploit opportunities Evaluate their effectiveness at multiple scales Catalyze ongoing sustainable farm intensification
Which locations Guinea – Savannah Ethiopian Highlands East and Southern Africa
Program outcomes Whole farm productivity Natural resource management Connect to markets & input suppliers Nutrition and poverty, especially women and children Economic & environmental resilience
Equipment / fertilizer Value chain context INPUTS PROCESSING & MARKETS Extension Equipment / fertilizer Seeds & Breeds Production Marketing Milling / packaging Post-harvest storage Maize Horticulture Livestock Value chain focus, coordinating with missions and CAADP plans Legumes Strong, formalized linkages
The Research Framework
Research output 1: Situation Analysis and Programme-wide Synthesis Research output 1: Situation Analysis and Programme-wide Synthesis. Includes the activities that are necessary to ensure that project activities are able to characterise and stratify target communities effectively so that promising interventions are identified and inappropriate interventions rejected.
Research output 2: Integrated Systems Improvement Research output 2: Integrated Systems Improvement. This output is delivered via a broad approach of participatory technology development and / or identification. This requires projects to allow for the identification of existing sound practices within communities that might be more widely propagated, the adaptation of these and other, exogenous innovations and the more effective combination of innovations from multiple sources.
Research output 3: Scaling and Delivery of Integrated Innovation Research output 3: Scaling and Delivery of Integrated Innovation. The first two outputs will generate integrated technology combinations that are more effectively targeted on farmer’s real development needs. This third output recognises that, even where such technology combinations can be identified, the approaches used for scaling them out may not always be effective and seeks to redress this shortcoming.
Research output 4: Integrated M and E Process Research output 4: Integrated M and E Process. The programme will aim to wrap the three process-oriented outputs in a firm M and E framework.
Research design: hypotheses ADOPTION rates for any innovation (combinations of technologies and management practices and knowledge) are enhanced by targeting on the demand from and capacities of potential adopters INTEGRATION: Innovations with components that mutually reinforce whole farm performance/productivity produce greater and more sustained benefits than the joint adoption of equally effective single purpose technologies and practices TRADE-OFF: Effective targeting of innovations also reduces the negative impacts of trade-offs between farm productivity and environmental sustainability and helps to identify potential “win-win” options for SI SEQUENCING: Adoption of innovations that lead to SI is affected by the sequence in which the component technologies, practices and knowledge are integrated and applied SCALABILITY: A research approach based on targeting and evaluating SI-related innovations, in context, increases the relevance of findings from action research sites and enhances their scalability to similar strata elsewhere (i.e. to similar development domains and households typologies in other locations)
Example: Babati sub-humid maize-based Research Team (2012/13) Research Implementation: Multi-discipline Research Teams at each Action Site Example: Babati sub-humid maize-based Research Team (2012/13) Lead Scientist Institution Research Subject* Mateete Bekunda IITA Principal Investigator Job Kihara CIAT Biophysical constraints to crop/livestock production (seminar subject for today) Dan Makumbi & Jean C Rubyogo CIMMYT, CIAT Improved food and feed crop varieties Ben Lukuyu ILRI Improved fodder species Stephen Lyimo & SELIAN, IITA Efficient application of fertilizers and intercropping Fen Beed Mycotoxin contamination along crop value chains Adebayo Abass Post harvest technologies and management *Within each research package are several other disciplinary researchers
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