Multipurpose Cash Grant Jan 24th/ 2017 Meron G. Dori UNOCHA
Taken from: CaLP
Multipurpose cash Grants: General Guidance No multipurpose cash programmes are currently in Haiti but there are Multi- sectorial grants. Efforts are under way to define a multipurpose grant transfer value, indicating the approximate dollar value of meeting a family’s needs. Multipurpose grant is unrestricted (recurrent/seasonal) , predictable or unpredictable; corresponding to amt a HH need to cover, fully or partially a set of basic and recovery needs as defined by MEB MPGs are more effective, if other CTIs, sectorial interventions are implemented in combination(Eg:in-kind+MPGs). Feasibility assessment should be conducted prior to defining the MPG. Assessments including the market situation(water, communication, transport, livelihood, food, NFIs, shelter…), Financial service providers capacity, budget, protection, seasonality, Risk matrix and context-specific needs and prioritizations should be done. Indicators agreed by all sectors should be agreed at outcome level; Objective should be crafted towards “improving self sufficiecy” capturing results to be achieved
Good practice and lessons(Niger refugee camp Multisectorial Grant towards MPG) Multi-sectorial(Different sectors supporting the same beneficiaries and can be conditional or unconditional but designed and managed by in a sectorial way; MPGs(unrestricted) is pulling the multi-sectorial values in one grant size at one time and needs strategic coordination and leadership Alignment with long term CTIs; national social protection systems as an exit strategy for humanitarian caseloads Strategic and technical coordination at national Level for preparedness planning on MPG and MSGs, common tools and methods, standards and definitions, market analysis/monitoring, targeting, capacity building, FSPs; at local level common needs and gaps, market systems and services, common risk and mitigation plans, common delivery mechanisms, MEB analysis Assessment(Define MEB, define market(wc markets have items preferred in quality-shelter as an eg.), Multisectorial market analysis) Targeting: Identify people with specific needs or who are at risk and needs should inform the design M&E: price monitoring, spreading payments(spreading risk but less spending if needed for recovery?) , support markets to meet needs, market information on changes and alert actors
Minimum Expenditure Basket(MEB) Quantifying recurrent and seasonal needs of goods and services What HHs require to meet their needs(Recurrent or seasonal) and its average cost of those needs over time Reflection of real needs as perceived by affected households including needs that are not in sectors(phone bills, transport, fresh foods,loan repayment, fuel…) Determining the basket shows which markets of goods and services will be included Reflects the vulnerability level of HHS and gap analysis MEB should not be confused with MPG; MPG is MEB calculated by HH size of 5 minus gaps and other assistance. Ensure sector specific needs are consistent with MEB
Experience of MEB, Nepal Item Unit Quantity per HH of 5 per month Price per unit Total price per month Source Rice Kg 63 0.45 28.35 NeSAP/KTM Dried pulses 14 1.4 18.90 Oil L 4 1.28 4.80 Milk (cow/whole) 9 0.68 6.12 Leaves (dark green e.g. spinach) 15 0.75 11.25 Salt (iodised) 1 0.00 Eggplant (aubergine) 7.5 0.35 2.63 Individual soap Pcs 12 0.25 3.00 WASH cluster “Piyush” water guard liquid chlorine Bottle Water container 3.5 3.50 Bath soap Bars 0.3 3.60 Laundry soap Block 0.8 0.80 Sanitary napkins Piece 24 0.1 2.40 Transport Lump sum 2.5 2.50 Health cluster Mobile phone top-up 5 5.00 CWG Fuel 10 10.00 Inflation Lump sum (5% of total) 5.14 TOTAL US$ 107.99 70% of MEB 75 US$
Food basket analysis in Haiti Lack of comprehensive multisectorial assessments. Agreements from sectors on what constitutes the MPG basket Total need(MEB sectorial and non-sectorial)Minus(need meet by HHs+other assistance)= Gap analysis(MPG value) Preliminary results of a new emergency food security assessment (EFSA) conducted by FAO, WFP and CNSA. EFSA also helped to assess the impact of an introduction of cash transfers for food by showing that the food basket of 2000 Kcal varies by region In the Nippes and South regions, it will cost about 150 Gourdes per day for a family of 5 people, 4500 Gourdes for a monthly family ration, while in Grande'Anse and given the higher prices after the hurricane, the same basket Food will cost approx 175 Gourdes Per family of 5 people, 5,000 Gourdes a monthly ration.(November and December analysis)
WASH+NFI basket in Haiti Example of common NFI and Hygiene Kits shared by sectors Item Unit Qnty Tooth brush 1 5 Tooth paste 75ml Sanitary pad pack Toilet paper Roll 2 Laundry soap **g 3 Bathing soap 100g Blanket pc A percentage of MEB will be used to calculate "other" items not included in the NFI, hygiene and food items such as health(not included in free services), communication, transport, loan repayment, fuel, rent,seed... This percentage will be based on information gathered: Between 5% and 10% of total cost. Maybe advisable to have two MPGs for recurrent and seasonal/on-off items. Small percentage for inflation/price changes To take into account the HH composition when setting the transfer value and making transfers
MEB in Haiti Items Unit Qnty*5 Price unit(USD) Price(USD) Remarks Rice g 250 TBD Transfer value for food basket: Average amount from WB and CSNA food basket analysis. Include all the 6 food items and qnty/5 HH size in the basket as in the CSNA. Consider Fresh foods,milk/meat when possible Vegetable oil 50 Maize 100 Toothpaste 75ml 3 Toothbrush pc 5 Blanket One-off Laundy soap **g 2 Bathing soap bars Toilet paper Roll Bucket Pc 1 Fuel Others 10% Inflation 5% Total
Way forwards Setting beneficiary targeting criteria and methodology Defining payment modality(one card approach) Piloting MPG- Identifying partners, developing M&E plan and tools, preparing SOPs…