How ICT can overcome barriers to engage poor consumers Kathryn M Clifton, PhD- Catholic Relief Services Melissa Persaud - HNI Voto (Viamo)
Choose locations that minimize barriers and increase adoption
Success vs. Failure for Sustainable Enterprise
Market barriers to engage poor consumers Lack of financing Weak distribution channels Insufficient Labor Data from clients for Decision Making (added) Knowing the locations of success (added) TRUST Inhibitory laws Regulations
Lack of Financing- Mobile Money/Wallet Reduce administrative, record keeping, and other costs Client-convenience, safety, security, and financial identity Algorithms for airtime credit can be used for mobile credit Large buys are helpful initiators
The Cost of Cash Transaction Cost (travel to the bank) 30-40% of remittances from developing countries go to rural areas (mHits, WorldRemit, BitPesa). More mobile wallets than bank accounts Cameroon, DRC, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Digital Money Globally Urban bias Rural marketing research needed. Large purchaser initiation (SMART money- Tanzania & Uganda). More equity for financial enterprises HNI in Malawi -
FINclusion Lab
Weak Distribution Channels -Hypermarket Distribution India-Amazon (Motorbikes and Cell Phones)
Minimizing Point of Sales
What about the small guys? Motor Bike and Cell Phone Enabled Growth Sidai Location scouting on motor bikes after new client trends emerge. Growing fast is not a reality for many
Distribution Monitoring (Drivers on Hire-pilot)
Distribution Channels
Insufficient Labor Business that rent out or provide mechanization We Robotics, CTA UAV labs
TRUST Integrity Intent Capabilities Results Talk Straight Demonstrate Respect Create Transparency Right Wrongs Show Loyalty Deliver Results Get Better Confront Reality Clarify Expectations Practice Accountability Listen First Keep Commitments Extent Trust From the Book the Speed of Trust
Data from clients from decision making Feature Phone data Are clients satisfied after the point of sale? Are there other product and services that clients need? Document number of calls regarding product problems.
Location Analysis Inhibitory laws Regulations (Ease of Doing Business-World Bank)
Conclusions Business Support Services are needed to improve success Easy to use location analysis Digital data platforms that can get data from clients on feature phones.