Figure 1. Consort flow diagram.


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Figure 1. Consort flow diagram. From: Piloting a Remission Strategy in Type 2 Diabetes: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(5):1596-1605. doi:10.1210/jc.2016-3373 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society

Figure 2. RR of diabetes remission in the intervention groups compared with the control group based on the OGTT criteria. Complete diabetes remission was defined as a fasting plasma glucose < 6.1 mmol/L and 2-hour plasma glucose < 7.8 mmol/L on an OGTT and no chronic diabetes drugs. Partial or complete diabetes remission was defined as a fasting plasma glucose < 7.0 mmol/L and 2-hour plasma glucose < 11.1 mmol/L on an OGTT and no chronic diabetes drugs. From: Piloting a Remission Strategy in Type 2 Diabetes: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(5):1596-1605. doi:10.1210/jc.2016-3373 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society

Figure 3. RR of diabetes remission and regression in the intervention groups compared with the control group based on the HbA1C criteria. Complete diabetes remission was defined as HbA1C < 6.0% (42 mmol/mol) and no chronic diabetes drugs. Partial or complete diabetes remission was defined as HbA1C < 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) and no chronic diabetes drugs. Diabetes regression or remission was defined as HbA1C < 7.0% (53 mmol/mol) and no chronic diabetes drugs. From: Piloting a Remission Strategy in Type 2 Diabetes: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(5):1596-1605. doi:10.1210/jc.2016-3373 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society

Figure 4. Anthropometric outcomes Figure 4. Anthropometric outcomes. (a) Percentage weight change from baseline (─■─, 8-week group; ─▲─, 16-week group; ─○─, control group). Means and standard errors of the means are shown. For the 8-week intervention group compared with the control group, P = 0.001 at 8 weeks and P = 0.007 at 16 weeks. For the 16-week intervention group compared with the control group, P = 0.001 at 8 weeks, P = 0.0001 at 16 weeks, P < 0.0001 at 20 weeks, and P = 0.006 at 28 weeks. (b) Change in waist circumference from baseline (─■─, 8-week group; ─▲─, 16-week group; ─○─, control group). Means and standard errors of the means are shown. For the 8-week intervention group compared with the control group, P < 0.0001 at 8 weeks, P = 0.002 at 16 weeks, and P = 0.007 at 20 weeks. For the 16-week group compared with the control group, P = 0.002 at 8 weeks, P = 0.002 at 16 weeks, P = 0.001 at 20 weeks, and P = 0.01 at 28 weeks. From: Piloting a Remission Strategy in Type 2 Diabetes: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(5):1596-1605. doi:10.1210/jc.2016-3373 J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society