Opinion, volonté, pensée Goûts Forme affirmative I, you, we, they + Base verbale I love, I adore, I like, I enjoy I dislike, I hate They often go to the cinema He, she, it : Base verbale + “S” Habitude, fréquence He often goes to the cinema always, often, sometimes, never, usually, rarely, hardly ever, every+nom once a day, twice a month, three times a year... How often Forme interrogative Auxiliaire obligatoire: DO / DOES (3PS)+BV Present simple Do you like cycling ? Where do they work ? Does she live in London? Forme négative Opinion, volonté, pensée Auxiliaire obligatoire Don’t / Doesn’t (3PS)+BV I think, I believe, I feel, I agree, I know, I want, I remember, I hope, I understand, I forget We don’t understand They don’t live in London repérer le type de phrase (+, ?, -), ne pas oublier l’auxiliaire. Il disparaît uniquement dans les affirmatives. Repérer la personne: ne pas oublier le “S” en forme affirmative à la 3PS. She doesn’t speak German
PRESENT BE VING Forme affirmative Forme interrogative Forme négative Pour parler d’une action en train de se passer au moment où l’on parle : présent immédiat / instantané Forme affirmative I AM+VING Listen ! She is singing. I am writing S’utilise avec (right) now, at the moment… WE, YOU, THEY ARE + VING We are writing. Pour expliquer ce que l’on a prévu de faire HE, SHE, IT IS + VING He is writing. PRESENT BE VING I can’t come tonight because I am revising for my test tomorrow. Forme interrogative Forme négative AM I + VING ? I AM NOT / I’M NOT + VING Am I working ? I’m not reading ARE YOU, WE, THEY + VING? WE, YOU, THEY ARE NOT/AREN’T + VING Are you working ? We aren’t reading IS HE, SHE, IT + VING? HE, SHE, IT IS NOT/ISN’T + VING Is he working ? She isn’t reading