Урок-игра "The Star Hour"
“Why do you cry?” Why do you cry, Willie? Why do you cry? Why, Willie? Why, Willie? Why?
Sights of LONDON 3 2 1 5 6 4
Make up the words Make up the sentences dge cen sou rist pal ace tre eum ket ch mus tou ve mar chur nir bri
Madame Tussaud’s Sherlock Holmes’s House Nelson’s column The Natural History Museum Buckingham Palace Big Ben Westminster Abbey The London Eye The Globe The Tower of London Tower Bridge Charing Cross Trafalgar Square St. James’s park A double – decker Beefeaters The Coronation chair
Auction 1. Who gave London its first name? 2. Which is the oldest part of London? 3. Which river runs through London? 4. How many bridges are there over the Thames in London? 5. How many people live in London? 6. Who designed St Paul’s Cathedral? 7. Where are the British kings and queens crowned? 8. Which birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London? 9. Where does the British Prime Minister live? 10. Which is the most famous shopping street in London? 11. What is a ‘double-decker’? 12. Which park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner? The Romans. The City. The Thames. 29. More than 7 millions people. Christopher Wren. St Paul’s Cathedral. Ravens. At № 10 Downing Street. Oxford Street. A bus. Hyde Park.
Westminster Abbey
The London Eye
1. London is the capital of England 1.London is the capital of England. It is a very old city and it is on the river . There are 17 bridges above the river. Bridge is the most beautiful of them.2.In the centre of London you can see Square. In the middle of the square there is Admiral .3.Not far from this square there is Palace. It is the Queen’s home.4. The other interesting place is Abbey. It is a famous church and museum. Here you can see the chair, the tombs of kings and queens.5. of London is a famous museum too. The tourists can see there and ravens.6. Madam is a famous wax museum. Here you can see people, good and bad.7. There are also many theatres in London. is a famous one, where you can see Shakespeare’s plays.8. is the big clock tower. It is the symbol of London.
Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round, Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down, Look left, look right, look up, look down, Turn round,sit down, Touch something… brown!
right left
HOME TASK Ex. A p.58 Ex. B p.58
Let's do this crossword: 1. London taxis' colour 2. Famous theatre 3 Let's do this crossword: 1.London taxis' colour 2.Famous theatre 3. Famous Admiral's name 4.The colour of London buses 5. Famous London street 6. Bridge L 1 2 O 1 3 N 4 D 5 O 6 N
The weather is
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