Program Review and Planning Mission
Department and Program Mission This PRP section involves identifying/documenting your mission statement and describing how it aligns with the College mission statement. If your department already has a mission statement that is wonderful! Just review the mission statement, make any necessary adjustments, and tell us how it aligns with the mission of the college. If your department does not have a mission statement, the information on the following slides will help you define one.
Department and Program Mission What is a mission statement Broad statement of the purpose of your program. Reflects how your program contributes to the education and careers of students graduating from the college. Aligned with the College’s mission statement. Distinctive. In simple terms, it answers the following three questions: Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do it?
Department and Program Mission Components of a Program Mission Statement Primary functions or activities of the program or unit – most important functions, operations, outcomes, and/or offerings of the program or unit Purpose of the program or unit – primary reasons why you perform your major activities or Operations Users – groups or individuals that participate in the program and those that will benefit from the program or unit
Department and Program Mission Structure of a Mission Statement “The mission of (name of your program or unit) is to (your primary purpose) by providing (your primary functions or activities) to (your users).” (Additional clarifying statements) The Mission of the Biology B.S. degree program is to prepare students for employment in various biology-related areas and/or for the pursuit of advanced degrees in biology or health-related professional schools by educating them in the fundamental concepts, knowledge, and laboratory /field techniques and skills of the life sciences.
Department and Program Mission Structure of a Mission Statement The _____________ (organization) will _____________ for ____________ by __________. This example tells who the organization is, what it intends to do, for whom it intends to do it, and by what means (how) it intends to do it. Your mission statement can be brief or you can lengthen it to add clarifying information.
Department and Program Mission In keeping with the Palomar College mission statement, the dance program is committed to providing an engaging and supportive learning environment for diverse learners. We support students who are pursuing transfer-readiness, general education, career and technical training, aesthetic and cultural enrichment, and lifelong education. We celebrate cultural diversity and encourage creativity, collaboration, and dance technique through our three AA degrees and certificates of achievement in Euro Western Dance, World Dance, and General Dance. Students of the Palomar College dance program will be well rounded dancers who are experienced in a variety of dance genres, have a professional work-ethic, and can negotiate both professional and academic arenas. Sample Mission Statements
Department and Program Mission The Palomar College Reading Services Department offers the community a comprehensive developmental/transferrable reading program for students of diverse origins, needs, abilities, and goals. It strives to provide students with the skills necessary to foster life-long learning through the assimilation of material in the humanities, sciences and mathematics, and vocational areas. Students receive individualized instruction based on intensive diagnosis and individualized instruction geared toward the development of basic skills, critical reading skills, and effective reading skills. This instruction will foster success in pursuing general education, career and technical training, and transfer-readiness, promoting the positive self-concept necessary to contribute as individuals in an ever-changing global community. Sample Mission Statements
Department and Program Mission SAMPLE Mission Statements The English as a Second Language (ESL) department at OCC is committed to providing a comprehensive education in English reading, writing and oral skills to speakers of other languages so that they can reach personal, educational and professional goals and enjoy success as members of the global community of English speakers. Serving both resident and international students, the ESL program promotes cultural diversity, good citizenship, global awareness and human dignity.
Department and Program Mission SAMPLE Mission Statements The Tutoring and Learning Center is committed to helping the diverse student population at College of Marin become more effective and empowered learners. Our faculty-recommended peer tutors support study skill development, promote understanding of course concepts, reinforce successful study habits, and encourage independent learning to help students reach their educational goals.