Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Syllable – how long? Syllaba (-ae, fem., Latin = taken together) First syllables – cca. 2800 BC (Sumerian) A word/a phoneme?
Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Number of syllables in words: Monosyllabic (e.g. fog); Disyllabic (e.g. table); Trysillabic (e.g. monument); Polysyllabic* words (e.g. entertaining)
Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Syllable segments: Nucleus (the centre of a syllable; no air obstruction); commonly a vowel (mono/diphthong), e.g. mine); Onset (segment preceding the nucleus, e.g. mine); Coda (segment following the nucleus, e.g. mine)
Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Open VS Closed syllables Syllables ending in a vowel (nucleus) – open E.g. WHY Syllables ending in (a) consonant/-s – closed E.g. LOST
Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Syllabification – the process of syllables counting Strongly depends on intuition Can a consonant bear a syllable?
Week 8 – Sounds in Contact Syllabic consonant L, e.g. table; N, e.g. seven; M, e.g. rhythm; R*, e.g. history