INWATER RESEARCH GROUP Historical and Seasonal Trends in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) Captured at South Hutchinson Island, Florida, USA Jeffrey Guertin INWATER RESEARCH GROUP
St. Lucie Power Plant
St. Lucie Power Plant Indian River Lagoon Intake Canal Nesting Beach Nearshore Reef Intake Structures Atlantic Ocean
Percentage of Green Turtle Captures since 1976 1995: 658 captures, 10.61% of all green captures Anomaly in 2010 = cold stun
Percentage of Green Turtle Captures by Month MAX = 12.05% 6200 total C. mydas captures MIN = 5.84% Jan = March account for almost 35% of all green turtle captures
Size Distribution of New Recruits (SCL-max) from 1988-2012 MIN = 18.7 cm MAX = 108.3 cm MEAN = 40.63 cm STDEV = 15.77 cm
Size Distribution of New Recruits (SCL-max) by Month MIN AVERAGE = 36.25 cm MAX AVERAGE = 53.35 cm
Percentage of Green Turtles Recaptured OVERALL MEAN = 33.34% SINCE 1992 = 35.24% HIGH (2006) = 65.28% COLD STUN No recaps until 1992 Anomaly in 2010 = cold stun
Percentage of Green Turtles Recaptured by Month MAX = 54.13% MIN = 38.34%
Recapture Data 600 unique individuals captured 2,682 times Range 2-43 captures Range 1-4,434 days 804 days (mean) between first and last captures
Recapture Data Average growth over time (>300 days at large) 2.34cm/yr 1.93kg/yr Lower than growth rates for Indian River Lagoon (Kubis et al. 2009)
Percentage of Green Turtles With Fibropapilloma
Percentage of Green Turtles with Fibropapilloma MEAN = 5.35% Only 7 green turtles in 1980, one had paps
Percentage of Green Turtles With Fibropapilloma by Month MAX = 10.84% MIN = 1.07%
Conclusions Future Research Recaptures indicate high site fidelity for some turtles Data suggests some movement between IRL and oceanic waters Seasonal patterns in new recruits, recapture rates, size distribution, presence of fibropapilloma Future Research Acoustic tagging to determine movement patterns of new recruits and recaptured individuals Tag return data…13 of 84 c mydas in nicaragua 10 Went to IRL…7 to jennings cove Overall average for jennings cove greens (n=226) = 51.43cm and 20.81kg…145 pap (64.16%)…for 204 NR 51.63cm and 21.1kg 25 recaps = 11% recapture rate
Thank You Inwater Research Group, Inc. Michael Bresette, Jonathan Gorham, Carrie Keske, Dean Bagley, Blair Witherington, Steve Traxler, Llewellyn Ehrhart, Steve Weege, Dave Clark, Jeff Guertin, Cody Mott, and Ryan Welsh FPL Vince Munne and Dave Niebch