The Fullness of Time
General Timeline of the Church Beginning of Creation Israelites Greeks Romans Jesus Christendom Global Church (present) End of time (Parousia)
Beginning of Creation Big Bang (or creation) occurred 13.7 billion years ago The Church has always been a part of God’s plan from the beginning.
The Israelites – God Prepares His People God establishes His covenant with Abraham almost 2000 years before Christ 1000’s of years of God preparing us for the Messiah “The remote preparation for this gathering together of the People of God begins when he calls Abraham and promises that he will become the father of a great people.” (CCC 762) In the Exodus God saves his people from slavery in Egypt in 1450 B.C. Establishing the nation of Israelites. Kingdom of Israel (Saul, David, Solomon.) Prophets called the Jews to holiness and rebuked their breaking of the covenant with God.
Greeks – God prepares the Mind Logos- or Word (Remember Christ is Logos (Jn 1:1) Universal Greek language Greek translations of Old Testament-Septuagint Greek Philosophy searched for the truth, the Old God and life after death: Aristotle, Socrates, Plato all prepared the pagan world for the possibility of a God w/o knowing that Christianity was coming to Greece.
3. Aristotle- 335 B.C. founded the Lycium in Athens. 1.Socrates- Executed in 399 B.C. Founder of Western Philosophy 2. Plato- Wrote “The Republic” Studied under Socrates and taught Aristotle 3. Aristotle- 335 B.C. founded the Lycium in Athens.
Roman Empire- God prepares the Stage Rome is established in 753 B.C. by Romulus. Roman Empire begins 27 B.C., ruled by Augustus. (previously Rome was a Republic). Pax Romana – Roman Peace, marked the 200 year period of peacetime within the Empire. The Pax Romana is important because it is the culture in which Christianity was introduced.
Roman Pagan Cults Polytheistic Romans borrowed and used Greek gods and mythology. Religion provided political and ideological unity for Roman citizenry. Romans placated their gods through sacrifice, this kind of worship is called pietas. Romans held public festivals of debauchery and hedonism.
Roman Empire- How the Stage was set Cons Disregard of human life. Lack of Morals Hedonism Lame Pagan gods. Pros Road system Universal language: Latin Lack of war and outside conflict
Jews in the Roman Empire Remember Jesus was a Jew Heavily influenced by Greek and Roman culture- “Hellenized Jews.” Hellenization- process by which Greek cultural attributes were transplanted to the East. Seen as second class citizens within the Empire. Sadducees and Pharisees- Conservative and Progressive respectively. “Diaspora” – Greek for dispersion. Jews were spread out all over the Roman Empire.
So What?! The Roman Empire set the stage for a new uplifting, life filled, spiritually satisfying Religion: CHRISTIANITY Greek and Jewish cultures exists and influence the world into which the Church was born. The Incarnation is purposefully placed within this time period.