Barley Location Ecoregion Moist Mixed Grassland Aspen Parkland Mid-Boreal Upland Boreal Transition
Barley Soil Must not have pieces of bark Must be moist Can have previously added nutrients
Uses Barley is used for: Algicide Animal feed Alcoholic beverages/non-alcoholic beverages Food(ex. Bread) Measuring Decorative Research purposes
Who Buys Barley? Canada Iran USA Saudi Arabia Russia Kuwait Philippines India Albania Australia UAE(United Arab Emirates) China Libya Poland UK Gabon Syria
Nutrition Information Macronutrients: 44 g of carbohydrate per serving 6 g of fiber 4 g of protein 1 g of fat No saturated fat or cholesterol 5 mg of sodium Micronutrients: 16 percent of the recommended daily intake of niacin(3.2 mg) 6 percent of the recommended intake for folate(25.1 mcg) Other vitamins include choline, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamins A, K, B-6 and B-12 Contains minerals such as calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, zinc, copper and iron
Characteristics Hollow stems in the form of cane Born from fibrous roots Spike shaped flower at the end of each stem(where barley is formed)
Growth Emergence Two leaf Tillering begins Advaned tillering Jointing Flag leaf emerging Flag leaf fully emerged Boot Head emergence Maturity
Maturation Time Anywhere from 80-100 days Harvest begins anywhere from 6-8 weeks after flowering
Pests and Diseases Pests Diseases Cutworms Wireworms Grasshoppers Aphids Barley thrips Bacterial kernel blight Dwarf bunt Cereal root knot nematode Barley mild mosaic Aster yellows
Disease Treatments Pesticides Resmethrin Piperonyl butoxide Malathion Chlorpyrifos methyl Trifluralin
Special Considerations When growing barley there are a few factors that must be taken into consideration: Variety Grown- depends on where you live, disease resistance, desired revenue, marketing options, and ability to grow the required grade. Feed or Malt Barley- depends on probability of growing malt grade barley, differences in yields, ability of malt barley storage, and farm stability.
Sources (n.d.). Distribution of barley area. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from What type of soil does barley need to grow?. (n.d.). Retrieved from Barley. (n.d.). Retrieved from Barley nutrition information. (2010, september 26). Retrieved from Characteristics of barley. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Growth and development guide for spring barley. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from of barley&rlz=1C1GGGE_enCA528CA528&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=6RJKUfz8MIG4yQGX7YGQDQ&biw=1366&bih=667&sei=7RJKUY1c5oHLAbumgIAC barley importers. (2013). Retrieved from