Local Government Individually: Write down all the services you think local Councils might provide.
Learning Intentions I will be able to identify different sources of funding for local government.
Who can be a Councillor? Anyone of voting age. Have a connection either via work or residence in the local authority area they wish to stand for. So long as they have not committed certain crimes of dishonesty, have spent more than 3 months in jail in last 5 years or work in a politically restricted position. Councillors current salary is about £17,000
Role of a Councillor Represent the interests of your community. Represent the interests of your council. Making decisions. Constituency Case work. Providing scrutiny for the workings of the Council.
Monday 8.00 Meeting with planning dpt 10.00 Group Meeting 15.00 Leisure Review Group 19.15 Moray Labour Tuesday 09.30 Housing Committee 14.15 Tenants Panel 19.00 Community Council Wednesday Health Committee 14.00 Area based review 16.30 Housing Case 18.00 Academy Prize Giving Thursday Local Review Body 14.00 Andersons Board 18.30 Moray Housing Friday Head Teacher interviews ASB Case meeting Moray Business Awards Ceremony Saturday Church Coffee Morning 11.00 Bishopmill Primary Fete 12.30 Litter pick City v Clyde Sunday
Potential issues for councillors to deal with… Talk to your partner and create a list of potential issues councillors might have to deal with
Issue 1 A significant local building held in Common Good trust has been sitting derelict for years. The Council is obliged to keep it wind and watertight but nothing else. It will cost several million to fix but there are community groups that are demanding it is restored.
Issue 2 An ongoing dispute between local residents and the local bus company has resulted in a bus service being withdrawn. This has resulted in a sheltered housing complex losing its primary transport route. They are scared they will be isolated in their homes now this service is gone.
Issue 3 In order to save money the Council has proposed to close a number of smaller libraries. None of these are in your ward but you have been contacted by groups from these areas looking for your support. This will result in significant savings at a time of financial hardship.
Issue 4 In order to assist the growth of the city centre the Council helped create a company funded from business rates to promote and enhance the area. Smaller business feel this is unfair and affects them more than bigger business they are demanding change before they go bust entirely. http://youtu.be/0TEDSJJfiZ4 http://youtu.be/K2kY2G83qjs
Council Spending
COSLA COSLA stands for Convention of Scottish Local Authorities This is an organisation which represents all 32 local authorities So when the Scottish Government (SG) gives funding to councils, it goes to COSLA and COSLA decides how much each council gets COSLA is supposed to act in the best interests of all councils when negotiating with the SG Not all councils are happy with COSLA and sometimes councils leave or threaten to leave, meaning that those councils would have to negotiate funding themselves with the SG
Council Funding
Work for Today… Take the heading “Council Funding” Copy ALL NOTES Complete the Knowledge Question Attempt Revision Questions
Council Funding Grant aided expenditure Provided by the Scottish Government (but distributed via COSLA). Provided based on school roll figures, number of elderly, proportion of roads, population, etc. Overall figure decided by Scottish Government but distribution decided by COSLA. Some ring fenced, e.g. money for schools Around 80% of money to local government
Council Funding Council Tax Set locally by Councils based on property values. Frozen until 2017 but government recently allowed councils to increase council tax for some people (wealthier) Around 16% of total income.
Council Tax Bands are dependent on the value of a family’s home Council Tax Bands are dependent on the value of a family’s home. See the table below for the cost of council tax for different bands. A is the cheapest right up to H which is the most expensive.
Glasgow Council Spending… https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=37119&p=0
Council Funding Fees and Charges Set locally by Councils using national guidance (Audit Scotland). Can be in the form of car parking, care fees for elderly, charges for services (e.g. licensing, planning). Increased dramatically in recent years. Around 3%
Council Funding Individual grants Available based on specific criteria. Have to be applied for. Available from Scottish Government, EU, specific groups (e.g. Historic Scotland) Generally for capital building works or short term general spending.
Knowledge Question Describe, in detail, how local councils are funded in Scotland. (8 marks) Ensure that you use the PEE technique – max of three PEES for an 8 marker.
Revision Questions Describe, in detail, how people can participate in democracy in Scotland. (8 marks) Describe, in detail, the devolved powers of the Scottish Parliament. (8 marks) Describe, in detail, how MSPs can represent constituents within the constituency. (8 marks)
Conflict Council tax freeze – Councils want the power to raise this to make up shortfalls. COSLA – Some Councils threatened to leave over changes to funding distribution formula. Free School meals – Councils feel additional cash is not enough to deliver enhanced service. Questions over need for more cash to enhance serveries in schools. Funding – Some councillors feel that council funding has been sacrificed to support other services claiming that for every £1 removed from Government budgets 82p is removed from Councils.