Bella G, Izzy W, Maya S, Liam W Spatial Inequality
Rich Mexico In Mexico a very small number of the “haves” of Mexico belong to the upper class. These very wealthy people own a lot of land and are leaders in businesses. Many of these people live in very castle like houses with high walls and security systems. Members of the middle class live in houses or apartment buildings near the center of the city. Or they live in modern suburbs farther away. Many of the people work in education, government, and business. The Mexican economy has suffered from hard times. Middle class people are struggling to maintain their standard of living.
Poor Mexico In Mexico they have many “have not's” Poor Mexico In Mexico they have many “have not's”. Have not's are normally for the people who have just immigrated to the new country. This is an example of a slum. A slum is an area where there is very poor housing conditions. Many of these slums lack electricity, running water, and much more. The lower class people of Mexico might work as a maid, dishwasher, cooks, construction workers, street vendors, or bus drivers. Most of them work for long hours and little pay. In Mexico some people have to low paying jobs to lift them out of poverty. Some of the poor also live in cinderblock homes with metal or tar covered roofs. Others live in large tenements a rundown poor apartment.
Poor Detroit The living conditions in poor Detroit aren’t very different from Mexico. The houses the lower class people from Detroit live in are usually run down and look abandoned. In Detroit lower class people have very low paying jobs. Some people don’t even work.
Rich Detroit In the higher class neighborhoods in Detroit are very nice. They have very nice neighborhoods such as Indian village, Boston Edison, and more. They have many nice houses to vary like they have houses big enough for a 5 person family to a house with 10 and a half bathrooms! Usually lower class people in Detroit have well paying jobs, some people are wealthy enough to help pay to build a school for the lower class people in Detroit and help out!
Spatial Inequality The unequal distribution of wealth or resources in a geographic area, so that some places are richer than others.