Management of RS/DSRS in Brazil Ademar José Potiens Júnior Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources (INT-9182) Workshop on implementation of a national cradle-to-grave control system for radioactive sources IAEA, Vienna, 13 – 17 March 2017, Room C1 Status of national system for control of radioactive sources: Brazil Management of RS/DSRS in Brazil Ademar José Potiens Júnior Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Unit Waste and Environmental Safety Section (WES), Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety (NSRW) Department of Nuclear Safety and Security
National bodies responsible for radioactive sources The National Nuclear Energy Commission is the Regulatory body. It has, also, operational functions through the research institutes. IPEN – Energy of Nuclear Research Institute; CDTN – Center of Nuclear Technology Development , IEN – Institute of Nuclear Engineering (IEN), IRD, LAPOC, CRCN-CO - Nuclear Sciences Regional Center, Center-West, CRCN –NE - Nuclear Sciences Regional Center, North-East. Presently, IRD and LAPOC do not receive DSRS
National bodies responsible for radioactive sources CNEN – Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission Created by Law No. 40110/56; Authority established by Laws No. 4118/62; 6189/74; 7781/89 Regulatory Body & Operations Arm of the Brazilian Nuclear Policy IPEN President Board of Directors CDTN IEN CRCN IRD Director Administration Research & Development Research institutes Safeguards Waste Management Regulations Transport Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Nuclear Reactors Office Mineral and ore control Fuel Cycle Office Medicine and Industry Office OPERATIONS FUNCTION International Affairs Attorney Office Auditing Public Relations Planning and Budgetary Management REGULATORY FUNCTION
National bodies responsible for radioactive sources Facility name and place CRCO (Abadia de Goias) CRCN (Recife) CDTN (Belo Horizonte) LAPOC (Poços de Caldas) IEN (Rio de Janeiro) IPEN (São Paulo) Intermediate Waste Storage Facilities The principal GAP – Regulatory Body in the same operators’ organization
Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources A National Radioactive Waste Management Policy is not yet officially established Legal and Regulatory Framework Public Law 10.308/2001 – Radioactive Waste Storage Act Structure of CNEN Regulations Group 1 - Licensing of Nuclear Installations Group 2 - Safeguards, Security and Fire Protection Group 3 - Radiation Protection (BSS 115) Group 4 - Nuclear Materials and Minerals Group 5 - Transport of Radioactive Material Group 6 - Licensing of Radioactive Facilities Group 7 - Certification of Persons Group 8 - Radioactive Waste Group 9 – Decommissioningécnicas
Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources Applicable regulations for the disposal of DSRS CNEN-NE-3.01 Basic Radiation Safety (under review) CNEN-NE-5.01 Transport of Radioactive Materials (under review) CNEN-NE-6.02 Licensing of Radioactive Facilities CNEN-NE-6.06 Siting of Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities CNEN-NN-6.09 Acceptance Criteria for Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste Forms (under review) CNEN-NE-8.01 Management of Radioactive Waste CNEN-NE-8.02 Licensing of Storage Facilities for Radioactive Waste IN–DRS-010 - Safety Requirements for Low- and Intermediate-Level Waste Storage Facilities
Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources National Policies for RS/DSRS are currently not formalized. Manufacture of RS is authorized in the country; Import, possession and movement of RS are controlled by CNEN; Use of RS requires licensing by CNEN; DSRS are in long-term storage facilities, which are controlled by CNEN. Regulation requires geological repositories for long-lived DSRS. Short-lived DSRS do not meet acceptance criteria for near surface disposal. CNEN is currently evaluating alternative management policies: (repatriation/exportation, disposal in borehole, disposal with HLW, etc.) Gaps National policy is not formalized; Lacks regulations for disposal of the DSRS;
Estimated current inventory of SRS in Brazil Use of radioactive sources in the country Estimated current inventory of SRS in Brazil Categories: 1 to 5
Estimated current inventory of SRS in Brazil Use of radioactive sources in the country Estimated current inventory of SRS in Brazil RESEARCH LABS - 742
Use of radioactive sources in the country CNEN - Register and inventory of SRS - Licence to purchase, use and management - Al SRS are licensed by CGMI
Arrangements for disused sources Repatriation and exportation of sources of US and Canada origin are funded by the US and Canada disposal facilities; Disposal facilitie are planned – TCP 9058 Orphan sources are collected by the RP and sent to the stores locations; The security is managed by Regulatory body that inspects.
Key issues and national needs The DSRS are not yet conditioned; Brazil lacks a disposal facility. Plans Hotcell for dismantling and conditioning; Waiting for license. Gain Information and help to organize an inventory to control the sources since the cradle to grave
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