Starter for 5! Which Muslim quote means you cannot force someone to covert to Islam? Give an example of Jesus showing freedom of religion. Give an example of female equality today that you could use in an exam answer. What is the difference between sanctity of life and quality of life? Which theory states that all life originated as single celled organisms that gradually became more and more complex over millions of years?
Starter for 5! Which Muslim quote means you cannot force someone to covert to Islam? ‘Let those who do not wish to believe in it do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so.’ Give an example of Jesus showing freedom of religion. Jesus never made people follow him but respected their decision, e.g. he invited the rich man to follow him but did not stop him from walking away. Give an example of female equality today that you could use in an exam answer. Female led mosque in Copenhagen, Equal Pay Act 1970, first female flight crew in Saudi Arabia. What is the difference between sanctity of life and quality of life? Sanctity of life says that all life is sacred (special) so must be protected whereas quality of life is concerned with someone’s wellbeing. Which theory states that all life originated as single celled organisms that gradually became more and more complex over millions of years? The Theory of Evolution
Poverty: Problems, causes and responses Learning Objective: To enquire into the causes of and responses to poverty. I can explore the causes of poverty. I can explain religious teachings on poverty. I can evaluate whether the poor should help themselves.
Mix and match: Did you know… 800 million people 100 million people One billion people 750 million people 2000 people One in four Suffer from chronic hunger or undernourishment Are Homeless. Lacking adequate shelter or housing. Lack access to safe water. Die every day around the world because of disease caught from unclean water. Live in conditions that harm their health, safety, prosperity and opportunities.
Mix and match: Did you know… 800 million people suffer from chronic hunger or undernourishment 100 million people are homeless. One billion people lacking adequate shelter or housing. 750 million people lack access to safe water. 2000 people die every day around the world because of disease caught from unclean water. One in four live in conditions that harm their health, safety, prosperity and opportunities.
Bare Necessities of Life What do we need to survive? Listen to the song and see if you can come up with at least 6 basic needs. Playing the bare necessities song from the Jungle book ask students to come up a diagram showing the 6 basic needs of life
Causes of poverty: Why are people poor? On your card sort are 9 different causes of poverty. Order them on what you think are the greatest causes of poverty around the world. Card sort diamond 9- what are the cause of poverty – what are the greatest causes of poverty? Question students on what is the difference between the causes of poverty in LEDCs and in the UK. What is the difference between the main causes of poverty in LEDCs and the main causes of poverty in the UK?
Poverty: Problems, causes and responses Learning Objective: To enquire into the causes of and responses to poverty. I can explore the causes of poverty. I can explain religious teachings on poverty. I can evaluate whether the poor should help themselves.
What do these teachings tell us about being in poverty? This proverb serves as a wakeup call against the dangers of laziness. Culturally, laziness is becoming more and more acceptable. But the Bible teaches us in this passage that laziness ultimately leads to destruction. We can look at the ant as an example of how we are to live. Ants work hard, even without supervision. They plan ahead for times when they will have less food. It would be wise for us to be the same way. We should not waste our time but work diligently at whatever task we are given. These teachings show the poor have a responsibility to help themselves out of poverty if the option is available to them. Both speak of the importance of hard work and not being lazy. Ants work hard, even without supervision. They plan ahead for times when they will have less food. It would be wise for us to be the same way. We should not waste our time but work diligently at whatever task we are given.
Poverty: Problems, causes and responses Learning Objective: To enquire into the causes of and responses to poverty. I can explore the causes of poverty. I can explain religious teachings on poverty. I can evaluate whether the poor should help themselves.
So you’re poor, so what? What can you do about it? Use the clues around the room to work out how a Christian would answer the question… So you’re poor, what can you do about it? So you’re poor, so what? What can you do about it? Pose the question and gives students time to discuss what can be done… Thinking about the quote from the previous page and the other clues around the room students need to decide what a Christian would say about this.
What might be arguments for and against be? Evaluate… What might be arguments for and against be? Go through students responses, and identify that Christians should help those who are poor BUT those people do also need to help them selves.
Poverty: Problems, causes and responses Learning Objective: To enquire into the causes of and responses to poverty. I can explore the causes of poverty. I can explain religious teachings on poverty. I can evaluate whether the poor should help themselves.