Tourism And Enterprise Development Working Group
Purpose of the TEWG “To develop a common vision of community based tourism”
Definition Of Cbt Cbt -organised communities using their cultural and natural resources sustainably for tourism in order to improve livelihoods and resource management.(Through collective benefits)
Objectives Income Employment Ownership Skills and capacity Rural Improvements in livelihoods
Cont’ Objectives Social and cultural pride Enviromental issues Diversified tourism industry
Agreed Approach to CBTE Dev. Implementation of CBTE should have the same approach / agreed by all stakeholders CBT manual for practitioners developed by TEWG General agreement on inviting other business expertise to share and advise on diversifying tourism
Future of the TEWG Joint planning session recommended Finalisation of a CBT manual for as a practical guideline / facilitate and support CBTE practitioners Inclusion of crafts, other business dev. As part of TEWG
Update On The Tewg Joint ventures: Joint venture processes evaluated by all stakeholders Recommendations forwarded for new processes
Tenders Awarded Tenders awarded - tsiseb , doro !Nawas Tenders carried forward: sorris-sorris, khaodi //hoas (REI) Other JV. Agreements: torra, ehirovipuka, spitskoppe, marinefluess(serra cafema, schoemans, syncro)
New Tenders Opportunities: viable North central: uukwaludhi, (omusati region) Nyae nyae conservancy (otjozondjupa) Marginal opportunities: Torra poachers camp (kunene) Eastern floodplains (satwa pan) (caprivi)
Existing Opportunities Caprivi flood plain Kwando Hobatere, etendeka, palmwag, uibasen????????