안녕하세요 (Hello!) What is mobile for the BBC? What have we done in this space? How does the BBC approach Web 2.0 and future challenges… Talk about context of mob strat and history of mobile at the BBC
What is ‘mobile’? Any interaction between the BBC and its audience over a portable device or within a mobile situation Personal Sociable Portable Immediate Location aware It’s not just a tiny version of the Web! Personal: Unlike desktop computers, mobile devices generally are used by one person only. People get very attached to their phones – in fact many teenagers claim that they’d rather lose a wallet or passport than their mobile phone. Portable: You’ll have a mobile with you in places where you’d never have a PC – and for much longer periods of the day. Sociable: Mobile phones are made for communication, so there’s no need to turn on a PC or go to another room to interact, eg. to comment, vote or to share content. Location-aware: A mobile device can tell where you are and can (if prompted) give you locally relevant information.
What is ‘mobile’ for the BBC? An opportunity to consume UK audiences should have ubiquitous access to an instant, high quality personal connection to BBC content and services they need, at the lowest cost High opportunity for unique reach with hard-to-reach audiences and we’ll take a look at those later.
What is ‘mobile’ for the BBC? A new set of tools Mobile platforms should provide the BBC the richest creative canvas with which to fulfil its public purposes Mobiles are more connected than PCs, moving towards a world where more and more ‘things’ are connected to the network.
What is ‘mobile’ for the BBC? The next step for broadcasters Mobile should fundamentally deepens the relationship between the BBC and its audiences supporting the BBC into future charter periods Explain that we are publicly funded; universal remit, etc.
What have we done in this space?
Framework for mobile Mobile browser Mobile rich media/Mobile broadcasting Messaging Out of Home Remind audience of framework mentioned in video
Mobile browser service Recently relaunched: New look, Local, More AV… 3 million+ Unique Users/Month This is our re-launched look and feel. The next steps we’re looking at are fuller integration of video across these pages and spreading local content across the piece, moving to a more location-based model, as more devices support this.
Mobile browser service A closer look at the Olympic Games: Headlines, videos, medals…
Mobile browser service A closer look at the Olympic Games: 2 unexpected ‘golds’… 22 picture galleries and Monkey (a promotional video) performed disproporionately well, with Monkey being our number one video download ever.
Mobile rich media/broadcasting I’ve already spoken about how important video is to our offering, as a company with broadcasting at its heart. But now lets take a closer look at what we’re doing in this space. This is the BBC iPlayer on the iPhone, one of our biggest achievements this year, which allows us to move one of the cornerstones of our PC-based offering into the hands of our users, in a way that works for them when they’re on the go or away from other means of accessing our programming, giving them more ubiquitous access to our content. But that’s not all we’ve done, we see mobile video as a build up to mobile broadcasting, both in terms of technology and building users’ appetite for it. But, since I’m in Korea, I don’t need to tell you about mobile broadcasting, since you’re the experts. Let’s take a look at some of our other big achievements in this area – and first, one of our key challenges.
Mobile rich media/broadcasting Wifi-enabled devices have enabled new opportunities BBC iPlayer is already available on the iPhone and will soon be available on the Nokia N96 and other devices For 3G users, close collaboration with network operators to do good handset detection is also key
Mobile rich media/broadcasting Other highlights have included: - Live streaming of the Olympic Games - 3G TV trials conducted with various operators - Podcasting
Messaging Compliance Unit New programme formats – more than just voting! Alerts services (including News headlines and Olympics)
Out of Home Big Screens: Olympics, Liverpool, Bluetooth and more Semacodes: Connecting real and virtual
Web 2.0 – a way of thinking Gregarious Straightforward Open Functional (sociable, participatory) Open (exposed, unguarded) Evolving (emergent, growing) Straightforward (simple, uncomplicated) Functional (usable, useful)
Web 2.0 – a way of thinking The BBC on the Web P P P P P Part of the Web P The BBC on the Web Personal Experience Participation P P P P Distinctive Portfolio Promise Fulfilled
And our RSS news ticker being repurposed by a user so its now appearing in the 3D virtual world Second Life The reason I’m showing you these examples is to illustrate one of the things that the BBC is taking to heart in the new online environment. As the mobile web develops, we’re looking to spread our content across it too. When I started the presentation, I talked about how mobiles are, by their nature, sociable devices and with the rise of social networking on mobile, we know it will be incredibly important that our content is woven into those networks both by us, and by our users.
Web, mobile and 3D Mobile providing persistence and ubiquity to Worlds for players Clients, web apps, SMS, alerts? And our RSS news ticker being repurposed by a user so its now appearing in the 3D virtual world Second Life The reason I’m showing you these examples is to illustrate one of the things that the BBC is taking to heart in the new online environment. As the mobile web develops, we’re looking to spread our content across it too. When I started the presentation, I talked about how mobiles are, by their nature, sociable devices and with the rise of social networking on mobile, we know it will be incredibly important that our content is woven into those networks both by us, and by our users.
Web, mobile and 3D ARGs – Where do they meet mobile? Connect real world, web and virtual worlds
Web, mobile and 3D ‘Internet of Things’ Expansion of connectivity from devices to everything around us Can these be represented in real and virtual worlds? Web services as glue between real, mobile and virtual worlds (unguarded meets participatory) Designing for accessibility, mobile and 3D as good practice
감사합니다. (Thanks) Jason DaPonte Managing Editor BBC Mobile Platforms jason.daponte@bbc.co.uk