Teaching Wholeheartedly 2011 Fall Conference Sarah Kasprowicz WATG President watgpresident@gmail.com
My Classroom 5th and 6th Grade 24 Students Merton Community School District Self-Contained Regular Ed Teacher This is my 17th year as a classroom teacher
GT Advocate Grades 4-8 in my district Support for EC-8 for one hour per day
“Wholeheartedly” is NOT this: Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn8faeuQjE0
What IS Wholeheartedly? My heart? My student’s heart? How much is enough?
How Much Can I Do? Common Core Standards Skyward Grading System 24 Students Staff Development ILP Professional Learning Plan Coaching Vertical Teams Project-Based Learning GT Advocate Responsibilities Parent / Teacher Communication
Funny Math All of the new responsibilities plus what I’ve done in the past = more than 100%.
Simplify … something has to go. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2WDRqQVlkw
What do I let go? Grading Practice Work Traditional Projects from the past Focus on drill and kill Energy Drainers and Complainers Curriculum not included in the Common Core
What are my priorities? Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZokqjjIy77Y
Implications To teach wholeheartedly I need to let go of what I’ve done in the past. I need to be open to invention, creativity and innovation. What can bridge the gap between how I learned and how my students today learn?
ILP: GT and RtI…OK?
Extension Central Link: http://www.merton.k12.wi.us/Extension_Central.cfm Modeled after Intervention Central I post resources in three areas: Classroom Tools Professional Development Opportunities Family Resources about RtI and Gifted
My students touch my heart The bottom line is…I teach to reach my students. The fifth graders in my class give me inspiration every day. Working with families can make a difference. Sharing with colleagues invigorates my purpose and drive. The frustration with outside pressure, stress and criticism can either make me crumble…or refuse to give up.
RtI Time in 5th Grade One hour per day Literacy focus for first quarter Structured to meet the needs of all of my students. Wholeheartedly means the whole class gets attention. Wholeheartedly means Interventions and Extensions are implemented together. Do not wait to implement extensions until the interventions have time to “get going.”
My Classroom Schedule
3:00 – 4:00 3:00 – 3:15 Silent Reading for all (Based on SEM-R Model) 3:15 – 3:40 Meetings and Work Time Monday, Wednesday, Friday Intervention Group Tuesday and Thursday Extension Group If a student is not in an intervention or extension group they work on their differentiated independent projects 3:40 – 4:00 Study Hall and SEM-R conferences (5 per day)
My Whole Heart Sings with JOY Every day I have a chance to Make a difference. Ignite that spark. Instill confidence. Foster success. Scaffold a discovery. No matter what happens…this will never change.
Your Heart Matters…Keep Beating Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/mudpiesbutterflies#p/a/u/1/d_pGiUeVFEU
Thank YOU I thank you for being here. Your work and passion make a difference.