Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit
Collaboration: Teaming with Providers Toolkit Overview
Toolkit Objectives By using the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit, Yellow Ribbon program staff will enhance their abilities to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families
Lesson Overview Models of Collaboration for Care Coordination Models of Collaboration for Employment Services Models of Collaboration for Youth Programs Models of Collaboration for Suicide Prevention Models of Collaboration for Resiliency Model of Collaboration for Medical Care
Models of Collaboration for Care Coordination Care Coordination Program Model Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count
Care Coordination Program Model
Deployment Cycle Support: Easter Seals Veterans Count
Models of Collaboration for Employment Services Washington Employment Transition Coaching Indiana Employment Coordination Program Utilizing Supporting Agencies Utilizing Employment Questionnaires
Washington Employment Transition Coaching Employment Readiness Survey (ERS)
Indiana Employment Coordination Program Work with both the Service Member and employer
Utilizing Supporting Agencies
Utilizing Employment Questionnaires
Models of Collaboration for Youth Programs Collaborating with Supporting Agencies
Collaborating with Supporting Agencies Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University Military Family Life Consultants Youth Councils Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team (DBHRT)
Models of Collaboration for Suicide Prevention Suicide Prevention Overview (Example-ASIST) ACE CONNECT Battle Buddy
Suicide Prevention Overview
ASIST Program Preparing Connecting Understanding Assisting Networking
ACE Program Ask, Care, Escort
CONNECT Program Prevention Intervention Postvention
Battle Buddy Program
Models of Collaboration for Resiliency Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Kansas Resiliency Center
Workshops for Service Members and Family Members Resiliency is the ability to thrive in the face adversity. Resilient individuals possess certain qualities. The good news is that these qualities can be learned.
Kansas Resiliency Center
Models of Collaboration for Medical Care Medical Care Overview Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources
Medical Care Overview
Supporting Service Members in Accessing Medical Care and Medical Resources Partner with the VA Set up processing of benefits at demobilization Use pre-populated forms
Toolkit Objectives By using the Collaboration: Teaming with Providers toolkit, Yellow Ribbon program staff will enhance their abilities to: Form strong coalitions of service providers Ensure a comprehensive array of services Present a seamless team to Service Members and their Families