Mrs Burnham and Mrs Cunningham Welcome to Reception! Mrs Burnham and Mrs Cunningham Miss Pascoe
What we will do for you and your child. Care for your child’s individual needs. Nurture who they are. Help them learn to live socially. Teach them to read, write and understand the number system through topics they are interested in.
Learning Journals To record your child’s learning and successes we keep Learning Journals online using ‘Tapestry’ software. Photographs and videos will be used in most observations. You are able to view, comment and publish your own observations from home using a computer or tablet. Please ensure you have sent back the reply slip in order to access your child’s journal at home.
How you can help us. Ensure all your child’s clothing is named. Ensure that your child can put their own coat and jumper/ cardigan on and off. Write in lower case letters with your child. Read every night when they have a book; reading books that are not in the reading scheme is fine. Be prepared, you are going to have a very tired child this term! School is busy but great fun!
Pencil grip
Our routines Children will come in every morning and do finger strong and reading activities. PE is every Wednesday afternoon. We will be getting changed when all the children have practiced using fastenings. We will go outside in all weathers. Named wellies will be needed. Music is every Friday morning. Books will be changed three times a week if we have the parent helpers to support this. The children will get the opportunity for show and tell. The rota will go up in the classroom window. This should be something to do with the topic or a visit they have had. It should not be a toy.
General Stuff At play time the children play in a restricted area, where older children are not allowed to play roughly. All Reception children have a Year 6 buddy. The children are given a learning partner from their own class. Phonics is taught daily and there will be a phonics talk on Friday 22nd September at 9:30 for Oak and 10:00 for Chestnut. Slides from the presentation will be available on the class pages on the website.
Useful links Parents guide to the EYFS:
Any questions?