Principles of Training
If you want to improve in your sport you need to do training. Training is a programme of exercise that helps you achieve your fitness goals. It is based upon the four principles of fitness. Specificity Overload Progression Reversibility
Specificity You have to decide what you want to improve then choose the right exercises. “Bicep curls with a heavy weight will strengthen your arm muscles”
Overload You need to make your muscles work harder than usual. You can overload in three ways: Frequency Intensity Time
Frequency How often you do it. “Starting off by doing exercise once a week and then moving on to exercise two, three or four times a week”
Intensity How hard you work. “You can increase the intensity that you work by either running faster or lifting heavier weights.”
Time It is the amount of time you spend on an exercise. “If you are unfit you might start off jogging for 5 minutes a session and then work up week by week to 30 minutes.”
Progression Your body needs time to adapt to the increase of effort expected on it. The biggest changes occur at the start, the fitter you are the harder it is to further improve. If you keep exercising at a constant level your level of fitness stays the same.
Reversibility Stop exercising and you lose your fitness. It only takes 3-4 weeks to lose your fitness. Muscles that are not used get will waste away ATROPHY.
Overtraining It makes you ill. It causes soreness, joint pains, sleeping problems, loss of appetite and feelings of anxiety. The secret of good training is to take it gently.