Northampton College Students’ Union Executive Training 2014/15
Congratulations Exec 2014/15 The votes are in… Congratulations Exec 2014/15
Plan for the day 10am -1pm Exec Training 1pm – 2pm Lunch 2pm – 4pm Brainstorming for the year ahead
The Students of NC So how many students are there at the college in 2014/15? 4244 full time 3700 part time All these students are represented by the Students’ Union
What is a Students’ Union? A Students’ Union represents the student body within a place of education. The Union is independent of the institution that the student body belongs to. The Union listens to the views of the students, raises awareness campaigns and puts on events for the students. Every student in the college is automatically a member of the union. The Union works with the National Union of Students to raise awareness of issues affecting students nationally.
Northampton College Students’ Union
Where does the Students’ Union fit into Northampton College? Staff Students Student Services Students’ Union
Manger of Student Services Enrichment Enterprise Finance Mentoring Student Voice Students’ Union Transport
The Executive Committee As part of the Executive Committee, you are responsible for the reputation of the Union. Individually, and as a group, you represent the whole student body at Northampton College. You will represent the students at internal and external events. You are responsible for the running of the SU and making sure that the students know who you are. As a group you will be supported by your Student Liaison Officer to help you carry out your duties effectively. All Officers will abide by the Students’ Union’s Constitution.
The SU’s Constitution The constitution is a legal document that sets out the activities and procedures of the Union. It provides a framework for the operation of the Union. This constitution shall take effect from October 2014 and invalidates all former constitutions of the Union. This constitution shall be subject to review by the Union every five years. The Constitution has been signed off by the manager of Student Services. All SU Executive Officers must read the constitution. Once read, Officers must sign to say they will abide by the rules set out.
The Executive Committee President Lorelei Vice President Luke Events Officers Emily Lucy Liberation Officers Ashleigh Michelle PR Officer Ollie
President Be the Leader of the Students’ Union Organise and lead monthly meetings Meet the college’s Management Team about college issues Act as a Student Governor Compile a term report on all NCSU activity Raise the profile of NCSU Attend events as required on behalf of NCSU and the college Attend all relevant training Represent all students at Northampton College
Vice President Talk to students about what they want from their Union Assist the NCSU President with any tasks she needs help with Record actions from NCSU meetings Meet regularly with NCSU Officers to ensure they are carry out their duties Oversee the Union’s budget Coordinate activities across all college sites Attend all relevant training Attend events as required on behalf of NCSU and the college Represent all students alongside the President
Events Officers Talk to students about the events and activities they would like to see happening at the college. Take the lead on planning charity events. Work with the Student Services team to plan wellbeing events and activities for the student body, Prepare a report of your activity per half term for the Vice President. Attend internal and external events representing the college Represent all students at Northampton College
Liberation Officers Help make the college a place where all students are given equal opportunities Assist students in campaigning, setting up societies and events which tackle issues of equality and diversity Organise ways for students to meet and discuss equal opportunities Establish contact with, and provide information from organisations which work on equality issues Prepare a report of your activity per half term for the Vice President. Represent all students at Northampton College
PR Officer Design Students’ Union posters Ensure publicity is distributed across college sites Assist with the promotion of all NCSU activity and NUS Work with Student Services staff to design the college’s digital student newsletter NC Live Manage NCSU’s social media pages Prepare a report of your activity per half term for the Vice President. Represent all students at Northampton College
Tools of the trade
The NCSU Logo Old New Include new logo design from Ideal Place
Exec Clothing Include ideas from The Ideal Place from Stuart
The New NCSU Office G2.08 It is your office to carry out all Students’ Union work You are the only students with access to this office If students want to talk to you re: NSCU business you can use the office space MO and WB have access to this office and will do spot checks Please treat the office space with respect If the office space is misused in any way, the privilege will be removed for all officers
NCSU@ Students’ Union email NCSU@ When conducting NCSU business, please use the above email address as a point of contact. This will save any of you having to use personal email addresses, and in turn allow all correspondence to be monitored.
Students’ Union email To access the email inbox, you need to: Using a web browser, go to Moodle and click on the link for web mail or go to The link will take you to this screen and you will need to log on to the email server. You will need to enter ncsu as the username and the password you have been given.
Students’ Union email You will then be logged onto the email account and can receive and send emails as “Student Union”.
Search Northampton College Students’ Union NCSU NCSU Social Media Search Northampton College Students’ Union NCSU @NCSUofficial
National Union of Students The National Union of Students (NUS) is a voluntary membership organisation which makes a real difference to the lives of students and its member students' unions. NUS has a membership of 600 students’ unions, amounting to more than 95% of all higher and further education unions in the UK. NUS empowers students to shape the future of education and create a better world. NUS promotes, defends and extends student rights. NUS fights discrimination, isolation and injustice. NUS supports and strengthens students and their unions. NUS is run by students for 7 million students.
The biggest student discount card. £12 for 12 months The Students’ Union makes £5 on each card sold Discounts on over 170 brands …and many more
…but more importantly If every student brought a NUS card, the Students’ Union would make… £39, 720 If half the students at the college brought a NUS card… £19, 860 In short, the more cards sold, the more money the Students’ Union makes. This is the easiest way to increase the budget.
NUS Campaigns NUS fights discrimination, isolation and injustice to enhance the student experience. NUS runs the following liberation campaigns: Women’s Campaign / LGBT Campaign / Black Students’ Campaign / Disabled Students’ Campaign / International Students’ Campaign / Post Graduate Students Campaign / Mature Students’ Campaign Majority of Students’ Unions will have an elected student rep for each of the above groups of students. This is something that our Union can work towards.
Students’ Union Groups Within a Students’ Union, students can arrange their own groups under the banner of NCSU. These groups provide support, as well as a chance to make new friends. Student groups within Unions’ can include LGBT, Drama, Musical Theatre, Film, Computer Games, Rock Society, Pagan Society etc… At present these group have been under the Enrichment banner at the college. However, the college has seen a LGBT group before under NCSU.
Students’ Union Groups Students have already already contacted your SLO regarding groups for; Support for victims of bullying Computer Games appreciation LGBT Students have been asked to write proposals for their groups, and these will be discussed with the SLO. The groups will be run by students for students, under the banner of NCSU.
And finally… WILL
Northampton College Students’ Union Executive Training 2014/15
Internal and External Events As elected officers of the Union, you will be required at both internal and external events as representatives of students. Events will take place across the year within college, and through NUS. When representing the Students’ Union, please wear your Exec clothing, and bear in mind that the reputation of the college and Students’ Union is in your hands… Don’t screw it up
Open Events at the college Wednesday, 12 November 2014 5pm - 7.30pm Saturday, 22 November 2014 10am - 1pm Thursday, 12 February 2015 5pm - 7.30pm Saturday, 14 March 2015 10am - 1pm Wednesday, 1 July 2015 5.30pm - 7pm
Events at NUS FE Leaders event 25th – 26th November FEstival 27th November Both events will take place at Horwood House in MK. Ideally the first event will be attended by both Lorelei and Luke. The second event by all. If you would like to attend please get the forms back to Will no later than the 12th November. Further events will be held throughout the year, and you will be made aware of these as and when they happen.
Well now, it’s down to you. So now what? Well now, it’s down to you. As a group, discuss and plan your year in office. Draw from your own experiences as a student and think about the campaigns and events you would like to run. How will you get students involved? How will students know what’s going on?