Ms. Jennifer Rick Spanish 1/2 Back to School Night Ms. Jennifer Rick Spanish 1/2
The Basics This is a book-based class in which students learn the core skills necessary to speak Spanish at the conversational level. The curriculum focuses on reading, writing, speaking, listening, vocabulary, and grammar. Students will leave the course able to speak Spanish comfortably and will be able to write an essay in their new language. Students must have an A or B both semesters to receive high school credit or they repeat the class.
How Can You Provide Support? Homework: 20 minutes of independent study each night. I do not check in with students about their homework, but I do suggest a study topic each day in class. You can subscribe to my Marshall page for homework/test updates., Quizlet, etc. Infuse some Spanish into your lifestyle: TV shows, radio stations, YouTube, friends and family, etc. *Student test scores/grades are kept current on PowerSchool. Please check frequently.
Grading Standard scale for academic grade Citizenship Gradebook categories: 70% Chapter tests 30% Vocabulary tests/Other These percentages are aligned with Mr. Power’s as well, providing consistency for our students.
Help and Test Makeups Students are welcome to come see me for help and clarification before school, during lunch, or after school. Test makeup day will be announced at the end of the week once I have determined which day I will be hosting my club. Students must make up tests on the corresponding week of their missed test or they will receive 50%.
Wish List Kleenex DumDums (or any other dairy, nut and egg-free candy) I am currently putting together an emergency supply kit in case of lockdown, earthquake, etc. If you would like to donate something specific to your child’s needs, please feel free to do so and I will keep those supplies for your child specifically.
“Lo que hacemos en la vida tiene su eco en la eternidad.” Contact Information Ms. Jennifer Rick “Lo que hacemos en la vida tiene su eco en la eternidad.”