2016 Leadership Academy Beverly Hoffmaster and Robyn Lopez BCS Literacy Model 2016 Leadership Academy Beverly Hoffmaster and Robyn Lopez Accountability . Integrity . Respect
BCS Literacy Model – Quick Write What is going well? Where are teachers still struggling? Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect Berkeley County Schools English Language Arts/Literacy Model I. K-5 Whole Group Instruction K-5 Guided Reading K-2 Stations Word Work, Writing, Listening, Technology Flexible Guided Reading Groups K-5 Independent Reading Grades 3-5 Partner Reading Literature Circles II. See attached notes III. K-5 Whole Group Wrap Up/Closure (Summarize, Apply, Share) Accountability . Integrity . Respect
BCS Summer PD Sessions to Enhance and Sustain the Literacy Model Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males Reading Fluency for K – 2 Elementary Science Adoption/Science Activities Partner Reading Relationships (2) Accountability . Integrity . Respect
BCS Summer PD Sessions to Enhance and Sustain the Literacy Model Mini Lessons and Read Alouds Words Their Way First 20 Days (2) Literature Circles: Moving Beyond the Roles (2) Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Berkeley Reads 2020 (BCS Literacy Grant) Early Literacy Coach at Targeted Schools Foundational Reading Skills Focus Word Study – Shoe Activity Access to Books Community/School of Events Professional Development Sessions Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Guided Reading – Grades K - 2 Small, flexible, and purposeful groups of students Form groups using data – STAR, IRL and Informal Teacher Observation (Know Your Students!) Students read from texts at their instructional levels Engage readers in conversations about the texts Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Guided Reading – Grades K - 2 Daily opportunities to expand vocabulary through reading, conversation, and explicit instruction Students write about reading Creates engagement in and motivation for reading Goal – to teach reading comprehension and help students develop strategies to apply independently Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Guided Reading – Grades K - 2 Look for trends across classroom data to form groups Need to “teach the reader” not teach the book Spend less time in “telling mode” and more time responding to what they need as individual readers Differentiated reading instruction
Accountability . Integrity . Respect “Through guided reading, students learn how to engage in every facet of the reading process and apply their reading power to all literacy contexts.” - Fountas and Pinnell Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Independent Reading – Grades 3 -5 the heart of the Reading Workshop the time when students practice strategies modeled in the mini-lesson the opportunity to confer with students/take anecdotal notes Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Independent Reading Grades 3 - 5 Four key elements of independent reading that will help students become successful readers: - Choice - Strategies - Time - Goals Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Independent Reading Grades 3 - 5 “To progress as readers, readers must have ample time to read a lot and they must have texts they can read independently.” Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Literature Circles – Grades 3 - 5 Literature Circles ….Then and Now… Literature Circles and their impact on the Literacy Model…
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days Establishing procedures and routines Introducing procedural and academic mini- lessons Getting to know students as readers Reading is thinking Creating a culture of literacy Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days – Grades K - 2 Week 1 – What is reading?, What do readers do?, How do we choose books?, and How is the classroom library organized? Week 2 – Continue with What kinds of books interest us?, Choosing just right books, Independent reading book boxes, Reading group routines (Whole group and small group) and Story elements – Fiction Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days – Grades K - 2 Week 3 – Nonfiction features; Thinking, talking and sharing about your reading; Independent reading; and Responding to reading Week 4 – Active Reading Strategies - Thinking about the Text, Making Connections, Visualizing, Determining the Importance of the Text (The BIG Ideas), and Summarizing Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days – Grades 3 - 5 Two Critical Goals Help students think of themselves as readers by reading books that they will enjoy and having them participate in all the choices and decisions readers make Establish the roles and routines of the reading workshop Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days – Grades 3 - 5 Mini-Lessons… Opening statement (teaching point)/demonstration or example Lessons build on each other...first lessons focus maily on routines Points are repeated Anchor charts are posted on the room…referred to again and again Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect First 20 Days – Grades 3 - 5 Week 1... procedural and academic mini lessons Week 2... academic mini lessons...literature/nonfiction Week 3... responding to literature...journaling Week 4... Reading strategies...comprehension...vocabulary Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect http://berkeleycountyschools.org/Page/4524 BCS Literacy Resources Accountability . Integrity . Respect
Accountability . Integrity . Respect Wrap Up… What? & How? Accountability . Integrity . Respect