The Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR): New developments Fred C. Bosveld (KNMI) Content CESAR and its research themes Long term.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR): New developments Fred C. Bosveld (KNMI) Content CESAR and its research themes Long term boundary layer observations New or improved observations Fog observations New Soil heat flux observation 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Consortium of 8 institutes: 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Energy fluxes, evaporation CESAR Research Themes Ice clouds radiation Mixed phase clouds Water clouds Aerosols Water vapour Air Quality drizzle GHG budgets rainfall Water balance Energy fluxes, evaporation 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Cabauw 26 year Evaporation time series Energy budget residual method (Beljaars and Bosveld, 1997) Yearly mean observed evaporation (OBS). Compared with Makkink reference evaporation (REF) 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

New/improved instruments since 2008 Flux levels Drizzle Radar at top of the 200 m tower Raman Lidar (not continuous) Improved Relative Humidity (heated polymere sensors) Improved Ceilometer (Lufft CMK15k)(Better cirrus and BLH detection) Regional scale fluxes – Scintillometer over a 10 km path – Turbulent fluxes in the main tower (60, 100 and 180m) Here we present: Fog observations Improved soil observations 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Fog observational programme (Inspired by Meteo France) Incoming long and short wave radiation at 213 m 7 Visibility sensors (forward scattering) in 200 m profile. Pyrometer for surface radiation temperature Visibility sensor in calibration mode Together with surface radiation gives transmissivity of fog layer in visible and infrared Sees 1 ha, including the surface flux field 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Visibility from 200m tower. 48+ hr fog period 20-21 Nov 2011 10 km 1 km 100 m 10 m 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Profiles from 200m tower. 48+ hr fog period 20-21 Nov 2011 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Fog event 20-21 Nov 2011 Radiative temperature of the top of fog layer is lower than bulk of the fog layer 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Sonic anemometers in tower kept working during fog episode Downward convection from top of fog-layer observed at 100 and 60 m level σW m/s 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Improved soil heat observations Combination of: 3 sets of self-calibrating heat flux plates at 5 and 10 cm depth Two soil temperature profiles High accurate and high resolution (0.01oC) for soil heat budget At timesteps of 10 minutes Profiles of soil water content for soil heat capacity. 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Soil temperature and an unexpected guest Midday 01 July 2013 Midday 01 July 2014 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

How to …! Wait for summer 2016 Apr - 2016 May - 2015 Jun - 2016 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste

Conclusions 25+ year long time series are available for the most relevant parameters characterizing the atmospheric boundary layer at Cabauw and the interaction with the land-surface. Important improvements have been implemented the last few years. To show the potential for process studies and model evaluation an example is given of a fog case. Issues with the new soil heat observation show that reality often comes with surprises. Looking for Cabauw data? Consult or contact me at: 12-Sep-2016 EMS Trieste