CBP Large Scale NII 25 APRIL 2017
Port of Entry Environments INTERNAL CONSPIRACIES Threat in all cargo environments, Smugglers use legitimate shipments, can’t target via manifest Check for manipulation upon conveyance arrival CONSIGNEE LOAD Threat in all cargo environments Targeting via manifested information used to interdict contraband Passenger Air Cargo Express Consignment US Mail Port of Entry Environments & Types of Smuggling AIR LAND RAIL SEA Cargo Cruise Passenger Cargo Vehicle Passenger Small Boat Ferry Cargo and Passenger Pedestrian Ferry Cargo and Passenger INTERNAL CONSPIRACIES Most prevalent at: Air passenger and cargo (low wage employees) Seaports cargo and passenger (union workers) Rail cargo (ease of access) CONSIGNEE LOAD Land and rail passenger and cargo environment (Along SW Border) currently hot spot Cargo Passenger
NII Concept of Operations U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) utilizes a “layered enforcement strategy” to fulfill its mission of preventing terrorists, terrorist weapons, and contraband from entering the United States. NII technologies are viewed as force multipliers that enable CBP to scan or examine a larger portion of the stream of traffic for contraband while facilitating the flow of legitimate trade, cargo and passengers.
NII Division Large Scale NII Small Scale NII RDE Strategic Management
Transmission or Backscatter Transmission X-Ray systems are designed to pass through an object and strike a detector on the opposite side of the object. High density items tend to image well. However, lower density items may appear very faint. Transmission and backscatter imaging are fundamentally different from one another but both are highly effective detection technologies in the right situation. In many situations where the object being scanned is complex (high/low density, thick/thin, varying composition) and the need for greater scrutiny of the object is required, utilizing systems with both transmission and backscatter images provides the greatest amount of information.
Rail Seizure Image Stowaways discovered in a hopper car Number Deployed: 10 systems deployed Other Points: Order placed in February for 16 additional units Can operate on almost any flat surface on its own power. Can be brought into service about 20 minutes after arrival. Stowaways discovered in a hopper car
Z-Backscatter Van Image Marijuana in Tanker Truck
Types of Large Scale NII Systems CBP has Large-scale NII systems deployed in the passenger and cargo environments. CBP has deployed both mobile and fixed-site NII systems. X-ray imaging systems include high-energy systems and low energy systems, including systems with Backscatter capability. Each system possesses unique performance characteristics that provide CBP with an enhanced capability to image both laden cargo conveyances and passenger vehicles for the presence of contraband. CBP makes every attempt to deploy the right system for the job.
VACIS IPL6500 Schedule Location Capability Gap Capabilities January 2018 Location Laredo World Trade Bridge Capability Gap Current cargo scanning on border limited to stationary scanning of trucks Throughput limited to approximately 7 trucks/hour Limited throughput results in limited scanning capacity across South West Border Capabilities Provides for scanning of Cab while occupied by driver for drive through capability Truck cab is scanned at low energy while the truck is scanned at high energy 150 trucks per hour capability Contains radiation detection capabilities
Z-Sentry Portal Schedule Location Capability Gap Capabilities May 2018 Laredo World Trade Bridge Capability Gap Current cargo scanning on border limited to stationary scanning of trucks Throughput limited to approximately 7 trucks/hour Limited throughput results in limited scanning capacity across South West Border Current Material Discrimination against low density materials limited Capabilities Combination Backscatter and Transmission capability increases material discrimination Provides for scanning of Cab while occupied by driver for drive through capability 150 trucks per hour capability
GANTRY SYSTEMS Varian IntellX High-Energy Gantry X-ray System Smiths (HCVG) High-Energy Gantry X-ray System Gantry systems provide high penetration with clear images Initial cost and maintenance costs are high Throughput is low as compared to drive through systems The Laredo pilot and NAVSEA testing will provide the information necessary to determine if future GANTRY systems are needed.
Medium Energy Mobiles MEM’s are only necessary if mobility is required VACIS® XML (M6500) Medium-Energy Mobile X-Ray System AS&E MSX Medium-Energy Mobile X-Ray System MEM’s are only necessary if mobility is required Smiths (HCVM e35) Medium-Energy Mobile X-Ray System Rapiscan M25 Medium-Energy Mobile X-Ray System
TX View-ZBV option Schedule Location Capabilities Capability Gap TBD The ZBV with the TX view will provide a backscatter and transmission image. This system will be excellent for outbound operations because it will provide a backscatter and transmission image of the passenger vehicle. NII HQ is working with the CBP Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) to allow for the ZBV TX View stationary scanning. Capability Gap The ZBV would only provide a backscatter image. Backscatter images do not show weapons as well as a transmission image.
Mobile XPL Schedule Location Capability Gap Capabilities Schedule May – June 2017 Location TBD Capability Gap Current POV scanning coverage limited to very few ports No capability for outbound scanning No mobile scanning to support National Security Events and Border Patrol Checkpoints Current capability footprint too large for some ports Capabilities Driver and vehicle stay in the vehicle during scan for a high throughput rate. POV scanning for ports with limited foot print Transmission capability Mobile capability to support outbound and surge operations License Plate Reader integrated
Common Viewer Schedule Capability Gap Capabilities Baseline Demonstration: Initial Demonstration of capability in maritime POE’s Savannah, GA Norfolk, VA POE Surveys are being expanded to include a land border crossing Port of Laredo Capability Gap CBP has deployed 316 non-intrusive inspection (NII) large-scale (LS) X-ray / gamma imaging devices procured by multiple vendors throughout the nation. Systems are commercial off-the-shelf / stand alone Image viewers differ between each vendor Graphical user interfaces (GUI) differ Proprietary formats/software that do not network with each other Image manipulation capabilities differ Data storage capabilities, data formats and different means to transfer data Training difficulties have arisen because of the multitude of systems Capabilities Demonstrate standalone, secure capability to transfer data (images, other data) from Large scale NII systems to a Common Viewer workstation(s). Capture data from different vendors/types of image formats and process into a standard file and graphical user interface to streamline training and operations. Allows for scalable architecture to include integration of other NII and Radiation Detection Equipment (RDE). Image Data Set (IDS) and/or other data files imported will be stored and catalogued on a standalone server.
LS NII TESTING Schedule Location Capabilities Capability Gap Scheduled to commence in late may 2017 Location The testing will be conducted throughout the Laredo Field office with base operations at the Port of Los Indios. Capabilities COMPARATIVE TESTING (NAVSEA) Determine the capabilities, suitability, effectiveness, and characteristics of LS-NII systems. Results can be used as a weight when deciding new equipment to purchase. Determine the level of effectiveness for each system for use in detecting contraband hidden within various types of cargo under various scan conditions. DEGRADATION TESTING Testing can conducted annually to determine the image degradation of an NII system. COMMODITY/IMAGE ENHANCEMENT CONTROLS Capability Gap Without comparative testing CBP does not have the ability to identify vulnerabilities of the system. Degradation testing will ensure vendors keep the scanned image to requirements