Hello World! CSE442
Course Summary A semester long group project You will develop software from idea to deployment You have full freedom to choose your project Choose something you’re passionate about Informal course descriptions: “Put everything you’ve been learning to good use” “Show me something cool”
Course Expectations This is not a course on programming! You have been learning how to write code for years Now you will apply your programming skills to your own project There will be a lot of self-learning Being a good software engineer means constantly teaching yourself the topics you need There is too much for us to teach everything in 4 years of college
Grading 64 point system 32 Group project points 32 Individual Points
More so than most.. You’ll get out what you put in!
Baldy 19 Most of the course will take place in the lab You should all have swipe access I will be available in the lab most weekdays Hit me on Slack to confirm a meeting time Equipment can be used in the lab Oculus Rift Graphics processing machines Myo Armband etc.
Project Scope Projects must be large enough for a group of computer science seniors working for an entire semester Project ideas must be approved by me and I will assess them for this single criteria I encourage you to work outside your comfort zone There is no upper bound on project scope I will do my best to make it clear what needs to be done to get full credit
Project Ideas Many of the suggestions I provided are projects that I’ve wanted to do Never found the time to complete them In my experience, this is universally true for anyone with programming experience I am giving you the time Work on the project you’ve been wanting to do
Project Logistics – Forming Groups You have full freedom to choose your own groups int minimumGroupSize = 3; I will form a default group with everyone who chooses not to form a group
Project Logistics – The Submissions 4 Sprints 2 Video Submissions Each sprint must demonstrate working code This includes the first submission Video submissions must be uploaded to YouTube No supporting documents necessary No technical details required The video should sufficiently show what your software does Videos should be concise If you’re unsure what to post, think KickStarter
Project Logistics – The Presentation Each group must give a live presentation of their project to the class (10-30 minutes) Can/should contain a demo of the final software Explain the technical details of your project Languages, libraries, hardware, etc. Unexpected difficulties encountered Anything else you’d like to share All group member must be present Not all have to talk Think Hackthon Presentation
Project Logistics - Summary By the end of the semester you will have 2 videos showing the progress of your software Original software with real functionality deployed for the world to use
This is CSE442 Enjoy!