Revision techniques and strategies for PE! Visualisation Imagine you are performing a sport/ activity. Think about how your body responds to the demands. Consider how you first learnt how to perform a skill, who taught you, why do you like a sport etc. You will have experienced much of what is taught, it is then applying theory and examples to support your experiences. Memory Palace Fill your house with post-it notes but use a different room for each topic. When you need to recall the information in an exam you can imagine yourself walking through your house to the right room The Skeleton Respiratory System Using the notes in your book… Record yourself saying the facts that you need to remember! LISTEN back over it at least 6 times Then try to write down everything you can about your topic Muscular System CV System
Advantages/Disadvantages Demonstrate Flipped Revision Using one of the key words listed below, plan a question to ask a peer on a topic you have just covered. List/Recall Describe Explain Evaluate Advantages/Disadvantages Demonstrate Swap questions with a partner and answer. EG Identify – Identify two fitness components that a 400m runner might need. Evaluate the relative importance of agility to a 400m runner. Rewriting responses In column one write down any notes on a particular topic In column two highlight the key words from the notes Now cover up column one and using the key words in column two try to rewrite your response Notes: Column 1 Prompts: Column 2 Rewrite: Column 3 Bones give your skeleton shape and provide a supporting framework. For example, when a gymnast does a handstand the skeleton allows them to support an upright and straight body position. SHAPE HANDSTAND STRAIGHT Bones store minerals such as calcium which are essential for growth and repair. They are stored and released into the blood stream as required. Example: calcium increases the density of bones which helps the skeleton to deal with impact, ie a basketball player jumping and landing when going for a re-bound. CALCIUM BLOOD STREAM BASKETBALL PLAYER
Responding to and using questions when revising… Verbal questioning and revision The teacher gives out 3 questions (which are written on the board) in relation to the same topic. Demonstrating 3 levels of challenge Each question is directed to a group of students, the students then have 1 minute to come up with an answer to the questions. The answers to the questions are then discussed with the teacher asking linking questions between the 3 levels of challenge. TOP TIP! When doing past papers only attempt to complete 2/3 questions at a time. Write your answer in one colour. Then use your book/revision guide to help develop your answers in a different colour pen Finally mark it using a different colour pen. This way you can see how many marks you would have got without any help as well as how you can develop your answer further. Read the question once Read the question again and underline key words and command words Read the question again and make notes in relation to how many points are on offer. Read again and plan your answer.