Chief Executive Report Kath Parson Members Day 2016
Main Challenges - 2015 - 2016 Absence of Care Act Advocacy Maintaining + supporting our membership Managing staff absences Recruiting and training new staff Involvement in AAA Loss of trustees - Recruiting new Trustees Maintaining/growing external partnerships Increasing national profile Securing new funding
OPAAL Achievements 1 Successful negotiation with REMPLOY on Experts by Experience programme resulting in several members securing contracts Offered Members successful free training via our Development Hub, working effectively in partnership and using social media to tell stories Issued 6 informative OPAAL Member E bulletins Featured in Big Lottery Directory Good Causes Developed national partnerships into Scotland and Wales Successful completion of Flagship Year 2 Successful completion of Older People’s Cancer Voices Year 2 Guardian Charity Award application Worked with external Big Lottery consultants to develop questions, find interviewees and arrange interview schedule for 40 individuals Commissioned and co-produced Working Together for Change programme, evaluation of same and developed toolkit Developed Coaching programme for COPA partners Nominated partner for Macmillan Professionals Excellence Award
OPAAL Achievements 2 Manifesto for Older People’s Advocacy Development of co-produced Older People’s Cancer Voices stories Release of four Older People’s Cancer Voices films Healthy financial position – secure to 2017 National Research programmes Universities of Birmingham and Southampton Advisory work with PRESENT programme Speakers at national events Applied GSK Impact Award Big Assist support for staff + trustees to enhance social media presence Big Assist – 2016 Costing Model
OPAAL Achievements 3 Developed Older People’s Advocacy Manifesto Advisor on United Nations Human Rights Periodic Review Judge on first National Advocacy Awards 2016 National consultations: DH Carer’s Strategy; Business Rates Retention – attendance allowance move to LA’s; NICE Community Engagement improving health and wellbeing. OPAAL consultations will soon be available on our web site. Filmed two ‘complex case’ stories Reviewed OPAAL policies New partnerships Universities of Birmingham and Southampton and AWOC Contributed to NDTi “People’s Voice” programme GSK Impact Award, NHS England Patient Voices
OPAAL Achievements 4 COPA Accelerating Ideas SANOFI train the trainer programme Strong social media following growth Development of new IT strategy and policies Increased number of published articles in journals and magazines Working with 12 Strategic partners 6 new Working with 12 Service partners Working with 9 R & D Partners Working with 14 Scottish Partners Working with Age Connects 6 partners and Age Cymru 4 partners Working with 3 National Boards In total the CEO is working with 57 organisations and three national boards (NCCB; NHPB;NPMB) to develop the new COPA delivery model and bid to Accelerating Ideas Pilot.
OPAAL Achievements 5 A new communications and branding strategy Many of the materials co-produced with older people, images that are diverse, positive about ageing, new strapline ‘changing lives for older people through advocacy’
Looking Ahead: Challenges 1 Increasing uptake of Care Act Advocacy Increasing referrals particularly from Health Supporting our Members Expanding our membership Working with a new Trustee Board Looking to recruit new Trustees 2016-2017 Reviewing our Strategic Plan 2016 and beyond Meeting current project commitments Expanding the Hub membership Submitting successful funding bids
Looking Ahead: Challenges 2 Extending our reach into Celtic Nations Expanding our national strategic partnerships Encouraging members to use our National Costing Model Keeping abreast of developments in Health and Social care across the UK Tracking the impact of the Care Act 2014 Affirming new partnerships Maintaining a healthy workforce Maintaining our influence within AAA Expanding our reach via social media
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