Mental health for students By Ayat Alabbad ID: 201201771
Outline. Introduction. Three reasons First reason, it is the loan. Second, it is studying in different city. Finally, thinking about job
Do you think taking loan brings stress for students?
First one thinking about loan.
Moving to other cities
Thinking about job.
In conclusion. In conclusion, Mental health problem affects a lot of students and most of students suffer from it. Also, there are some reasons cause students to have mental health problem. So, I am absolutely convinced taking money from the bank to pay for the university, studying at the different cities, and thinking about future career bring stress for students. Because I am students, I know these reason most of students suffer from it.
References Lewin, T. (2011). Record Level of Stress Found in College Freshmen." The New York Times. Web. Retrieved on February26 ,2013, from Mictabor, J. (2011). Study: Student Loan Worries Affect New College Students' Mental Health. Retrieved on February 26,2013, from Peals, S. (2005). Homesickness Equals Stress, the PATHER. Retrieved on February 26, 2013, from stress-1.2473371#.UUVb7BdTAuc Steinbacher, M. (2009). Economy, Uncertain Job Market Add to Stress for College Students. Retrieved on February 26, 2013, from to-stress-for-college-students/article_9d6b9226-b48b-11de-9333- 001cc4c002e0.html Beebe, S., Beebe, S., and Ivy, D., (1950), Communication: Principles for A Lifetime. (fourth ed)