ACA – Fall Conference FAA AIP Grants Management Maritza Navarra C&S Companies
A simplified approach for your ACIP Identify airport priorities Safety Security Capacity Prioritize based on what’s achievable Current needs Financially feasible = phasing? Properly identified in ALP Verify eligibility Discuss first, then submit to FAA
AC 5100.39A Appendix 6 Use the NPIAS standard descriptions List action then project name
AC 5100.39A Appendix 5 Calculating point values
Project Priority Ranking Number Sample equation for an apron reconstruction: A = Airport Code (2 to 5 points) P = Purpose (0 to 10 points) C = Component (0 to 10 points) T = Type (0 to 10 points) .25 × P(A + 1.4 × P + C + 1.2 × T) .25 × 8(3 + 1.4 × 8 + 5 + 1.2 × 10) Priority Number = 62
FAA Data sheets to follow with justification: (1) Taxiways A and B have been identified in the 2011 APMS report (attached report section 12 page 22 is failing and reflecting a 61 PCN which the engineer will determine at the time of design what method will have results to meet FAA criteria for grant assurances. At this time the cost estimate prepared by the engineer of record is a mill and overlay of these areas and update to markings. If full depth repair is necessary a discussion during the design grant application period will take place.
Once you get the grant, what’s next?
Best Practices for Grant Management Delphi E-invoicing management Create a separate tracking sheet of grant balance Grant closeout = timely Final sponsor certifications Closeout letter Final report(s) ALP pen & ink update Keep track of your entitlements = communication with FAA
Grant Application Flight Plan General Grant Process ☐ Meet with sponsor/airport staff to discuss airport capital improvement program (ACIP). ☐ C&S submits draft ACIP to Sponsor. ☐ ACIP should have three years of engineering cost estimates and justification ☐ ACIP meeting with the District Office (ADO) to review ACIP and gain feedback on adequacy or need to revise. ☐ Sponsor (with C&S guidance) submits ACIP plan to Caltrans (due every two years). ☐ Sponsor (with C&S guidance) submits ACIP plan to FAA. (NLT January) ☐ ACIPs must have data sheets, cost estimates, PCN for pavement projects, and exhibits. FAA Grant Process ☐ ADO submits its project recommendations to FAA region office and headquarters for fiscal year beginning in October. Upon request, ADO will advise Sponsor of tentatively selected projects. (May) ☐ ADO reviews progress of projects completed (or not) in previous fiscal year and make necessary adjustments to selected projects for new fiscal year—fine tune changes only—no wholesale changes. Upon request, ADO will advise Sponsor of selected project changes. (October) ☐ Revise ALP (if necessary), complete environmental clearance review under NEPA and submit to ADO. (NLT December) ☐ For development projects, complete plans, specifications, and bid documents. (Early spring) ☐ For development projects, receive construction bids. For planning and environmental study projects, complete negotiated contract. Final grant funding amount for construction projects is based on the actual contract cost with apparent low bidder. (July) ☐ Grant application is submitted by Sponsor to FAA. (Dec.) ☐ FAA grant offer sent to sponsor, (NLT August) ☐ Sponsor signs grant offer and returns to FAA. (NLT September) Grant Application Flight Plan