Thereyouare University Optimal Health Program (TUOHP) Dr. Marilyn Field
Marilyn Field, RN, MSW, PsyD Hi there TU! Marilyn Field, RN, MSW, PsyD TU Consultant Introduction
TUOHP VISION STATEMENT TU is an innovative and respected higher education institution dedicated to developing students and staff to be healthy productive members of society and responsible citizens in a changing and diverse world.
Why Institute TUOHP? Obesity is the second leading preventable health problem in the United States; second only to smoking.
The negative consequences which accompany obesity can be relieved or avoided through: good eating habits, strong emotional support, and a more active lifestyle.
OBESITY AND PWB The consequences for the obese individual go beyond physical health; mental health, financial well being, productivity, and the individual’s psychological well-being and quality of life can become hindered.
TUOHP is not a weight loss competition; it is a life changing and quality of life enhancement program
Main Objectives Reduction in percent overweight Reduction in high cholesterol levels Reduction in high blood pressure readings
Some of the fun things we will do! Resilience training Daily 15 minute school-wide walks Walk-to-school day Self-nurturing workshops Healthy Cooking class workshops
Ethical Issues Help obese students lose weight without promoting eating disorder behaviors. Diversity: Cultural awareness with nutrition is important. Exploring nutrition within the cultural melting pot is fun fun fun!
Why a School Focus Students spend a great deal of time in school. Every college should have some way to promote healthy eating and exercise to students. Obesity may not be an acute health concern on campus, but preventing this can certainly provide lifelong benefits for the individual as well as the national health care system
Share the Good News Let’s get as many people in school and the community involved in feeling better. Happiness is best when it is shared.
We can do it Together we can do it Stan Goodies will serve as the Student Team Leader and acting liaison between Ms. Field, the EAP committee, and the administration. Mrs. Greentea has been nominated by her fellow faculty members to be the Faculty Team Leader. Mr. Goodeats has been nominated by the cafeteria staff to lead the Cafeteria Team and act as liaison between the student body, faculty, and EAP consultant. Mrs. Cares was selected by the administration to be team the Special Interest Group Team Captain
Goal # 1 Daily 15 minute school-wide walk 9:30am after first period classes or 7:30pm for evening classes.
Lots of Surveys! Honesty is the best policy They will help people They will tell us more They will show us where we need to change They will tell us if TUOHP is working successfully Thank you for taking the time to fill out and/or personally answer the surveys
Survey Example Please rate the following answers with 1 meaning rarely, and 10 meaning almost always: Choose lean meats fish or chicken? Read labels and select foods with less than four grams of fat per serving? Eat fewer foods that contain simple sugars (fresh fruit, or no sugar added)? Eat foods high in fiber (i.e. legumes, bran, nuts).
TUOHP Newsletter will be handed out and emailed each week Great health tips-- Here is an example: Ever wonder how many steps you take each day? Wear a pedometer, and you will be inspired to take more. You can invest in a pedometer for as little as $4. Wear it for three days (two days during the week and one day on the weekend).
Goal # 2 The Healthy Cooking Class Workshop (HCCW) will be a fun filled activity designed to be a building block for optimal wellness.
Come and Join the Fun All those participating will join us in the gym Monday January 3 at 7:15 AM Sharp Wear your sneakers!!