1 Kings 21:1-16 (NKJV)
Naboth’s Vineyard My vineyard is not for sale! (1 Kings 21)
Vineyard’s … an inheritance of value Canaan given to Israel by God & divinely allotted (Num 36) Given as “Inheritance” not to be sold or traded (Lev 25) Provided source of life people (food, water, safety, etc.) Without this, soon become someone else’s servant “Inheritance” was NOT absolute (taken away or sold) Rueben (Gen 34) Esau (Gen 25) Could be redeemed (bought back) and full access regained Ruth & Boaz (Ruth 4) Naboth stood his ground and would NOT sale his vineyard Joshua (Josh 24) stood his ground, not “sell out” his vineyard
Other “Vineyard’s” …Old Testament Adam’s “vineyard” (Gen 2:8-3:24) - Garden of Eden & relationship with God - condition of obedience (2:17) - SOLD his “inheritance” (vineyard) Noah’s “vineyard” (Gen 6:9) - relationship with God & safety from the floods - (vs 13) faith was challenged - his “inheritance” was NOT For Sale (vs. 22) Esau (Gen 25:29-34) - birthright (double portion; Deut 21:17) - SOLD his “inheritance” ; result (Gen 27:30)
Other “Vineyard’s” … Old Testament King Saul’s “vineyard” (1 Sam 10) - kingdom & victories as God’s chosen leader - God’s blessings & spirit - SOLD (1 Sam 13; 15:26-result) David’s “vineyard” (2 Sam 11) - close relationship with God - love for God’s law - kingdom - SOLD (2 Sam 12:13-result)
Other “Vineyard’s” … Old Testament Daniel’s “vineyard” (Daniel 1:1-21) - his relationship with God & His blessings - his faithful observance of God’s law - NOT for sale (vs.8, purposed in his heart…) Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego’s “vineyard” (Dan 3:8-25) - relationship with God & faithful obedience - faith in God to deliver - NOT for sale (vs. 16, no need to answer you…)
Other “Vineyard’s” … New Testament Jesus tempted in wilderness (Mt 4:1-11) His vineyard (inheritance) was NOT for sale not for power, riches, nor glory Rich Young Ruler’s “vineyard” WAS for sale (Mt 19:16-23) for his riches, lifestyle, status Went away sad Judas Iscariot’s “vineyard” WAS for sale (Mt 26:14) for 30 pcs of silver wept (like Esau); hung himself
Other “Vineyard’s” … New Testament Peter & John’s (Acts 4) refused to stop proclaiming Gospel even under intense threat and personal harm their “vineyard” was NOT for Sale Paul’s “vineyard” was NOT For Sale (2 Cor. 11:22) shipwrecked, beaten, stoned could’ve ignored/walked away his “vineyard” was NOT for sale
“Vineyard” (inheritance) in OT (Jer 10:16) Israel referred to as “inheritance of God” (Ps 79:1) Jerusalem & temple are “inheritance of God” (Ps 82:8) all nations are His “inheritance” (Ps16:5) God’s blessings in David’s life are “inheritance” (Ps 119:111) God’s testimonies are “inheritance” (Eph 1) prepared for creation (Mt 19:29) eternal life (Titus 3:7) hope of eternal life (James 2:5) heirs of kingdom w/Christ Our “Vineyard” (inheritance)
Our “Vineyard” (inheritance) adoption to the Father and privilege of being joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17, Eph 3:6) thru obedience and baptism into his death (Gal 3:26) can be taken away or sold (1 Cor 15:1, Rom 11:22, Rev 2-3) it’s inheritance for all men (2 Pet 3:9) prepared for all who obey thru Son (Eph1) only if we refuse to “Sell” it Harvesting the “Vineyard”
Is Your “Vineyard” for sale? Our “inheritance” is our vineyard Is yours for sell? What is the price? fame? pride? money? glory? laziness? fear? lust? The beauty of God’s plan (Eph 1) and His love for us (John 3:16) is that if we’ve sold our vineyard, we can regain access to it because that price has been paid by Jesus (Heb 7:27) who died once for all