Theories of Cultural Ecology: Environmental Determinism v. Possibilism AP HUG 2015
Last summer on my trip to Ethopia I went to a city called Lalibela (Lalibela is a ______. A way to describe place.)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia I flew into the capital city of Addis Abba. Addis Ababa serves as a ____________ region in terms of international transportation and as headquarters for the African Union.
Lalibela is located at 12°01′54″N 39°02′28″E Lalibela is located at 12°01′54″N 39°02′28″E. (The grid coordinates of Lalibela describe place is term of its ________ ______.
Lalibela sits in the north central region of Ethiopia Lalibela sits in the north central region of Ethiopia. It is east of the town of Gondar and north of capital, Addis Ababa. The following description of place is called __________.
The most amazing thing was that all 11 churches in Lalibela were carved by hand from the top of the mountain to the bottom.
Terms to know Cultural landscape is a combination of cultural, economic and physical features of a place (ex. Language, industry, climate) Cultural Ecology is the geographic study of human-environment relationships Environmental Determinism is theory that environment causes social development or the idea that natural environment influences people. Possibilism is theory that people can adjust or overcome an environment.
Clash of the Titans As you view each of the slide, ask yourself these questions: Who wins the people or environment? Why? In this photo, does the environment determine people’s destiny? How has the environment been altered by the people?